Homecoming Night

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September 30, 2017

I meant to show you guys this picture from Terrifying Tuesday of spirit week 😂

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I meant to show you guys this picture from Terrifying Tuesday of spirit week 😂. I dressed as a cereal killer. I basically took a box of wheaties, stabbed holes in it a few times, painted red nail polish on it, and wrote cereal killer on it. Anyways, someone managed to play with their shark head on during marching practice 😂. (P.s. it wasn't Jaws).

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  So, the band kids got called out of class around 9:30 for the pep rally (my autocorrect wanted to put the Pepe rally, oh my gosh 😂)

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So, the band kids got called out of class around 9:30 for the pep rally (my autocorrect wanted to put the Pepe rally, oh my gosh 😂). We played some songs like The Box, The Hey Song, and Rosanna. CS and I discovered that the bell of his trumpet got dented pretty badly :,(
We had a free period for band so we wouldn't wear down our embouchures and I went out to the football field with Fluffeh, CS, and some others and set out chairs for that night. When we got to the field, we saw a flash of white and Fluffeh goes,"Oh, there's your mom." Sure enough, my mom was pulling up to the field in her white van. She's just trying to ruin what little social life I have, isn't she XD. Anyways, she pulled up to tell me that she dropped my band shirt off in band hall because I had forgot to wash it before Friday. I thanked her and asked her how she managed to drive around campus without causing a lockdown and she said the principal let her on the grounds, lol. I told her that I'd see her at the parade later.
After we got done, we were three-quarters of the way back to band hall when we ran into the drum major, who told us we had to set up the chairs, not just lean them against the fence. About half of us went back and set them up.
When I got back to band hall, I found CS hiding out in the kitchen/library. He was still pretty upset about his bell getting dented.
I walk over and stood in front of a chair he was sitting on. "Stand up," I said. He stood up in confusion and I hugged him. He claimed he didn't need one but later admitted that he did.
So, we went to lunch and then afterward my grade had a class meeting to work on the floats for the parade. Those who weren't directly working on the floats (like me) went to the Spanish teachers room to make a sign and watch a movie.
Well, since it was basically a free day for 3 more periods, the teacher let some of the kids go to other classrooms. So, Russ asked if him, K2So, and I could go down to band hall. She said yes, and Russ, K2So, Hunther1571 , Niko, Dundermawk Cann (don't ask), and me all end up going down to band hall. We all walk up to the door and find it unlocked and I was like,"It's open, guys!" Then, I stepped in and froze when I saw Mr. Davis sitting with a group of boys at a table on the west side of band hall. Everyone was staring at me as the others came in the door. "Are...you guys in a meeting or something?"
"No," Mr. Davis said. "Come on in."
Turns out, Mr. Davis was learning how to play Magic, XD.
  So, Russ, K2, and I were messing with Russ's GoPro and trying to attach it to his sousaphone. We got it attached in the bell with a sticky pad. He filmed the parade and the half time show with it and we got great parade footage but pretty much all you could hear was his sousaphone but he said he could edit it to where you can hear the other instruments too. We haven't got the chance to see the half time show yet, but I think it will be cool. 
  So yeah, we hung out in the band hall from like 12:45 to about 3:15 and managed to keep ourselves occupied. CS and a few others came in by about the 7th period bell.
  I French-braided Jaw's hair. Jaw's hair is the silkiest of any boy's hair I've messed with. He shampoos and conditions it twice a day! While I was brushing it and starting to braid it, he started to wimping and wail.
  "Oh my gosh, are you tender headed!?" I exclaimed.
  "Yes," he said.
  "I'm so sorry! I should've asked you that before I braided your hair!"
  "Don't worry," he said. "I can tough it out." I proceeded to tell him a story about how I was tender headed when I was little.
  Well, CS had to hold my ring (sorry shippers, it's not the ring you're thinking of) while I braided Jaw's hair. Well, when I was done, he wouldn't give it back to me. Oh well, I eventually got revenge by stealing his phone. (I took a few selfies on it while I had it. It doesn't help him any that my fingerprint is registered in his password).
  CS, Rich, The Accomplice, K2, and me all played songs in the instrument room, including Malagueña. Then, we tried to save our embouchures.
  Well, around three, we started changing into our uniforms. I had to change into shorts, which made me really self conscious. CS changed into shorts, too (his legs are really hairy 😝). We then got on our bibbers (basically overalls) and uniform coats. We. Looked. Amazing! The only disadvantage is my coat number is 1 and so when they ironed the patches on, mine was like the first one to be done, so it had like three different patch silhouettes from testing the school crest patch. :/
  The bus that was taking us to the church where we were starting the parade at was a little late, but we managed. So our town is so small that if you really wanted to, you could walk from city limit to city limit in a short amount of time, which is exactly what we did. We went to one end of town and organized our parade set up in the church parking lot. The band was at the very front. The police department had blocked off the roads and so we got to march down the road, which was really fun! There were people on either sides of us and I saw my mom, my cousins, and some other people we knew. Everyone was yelling at us saying that we were doing good. My feet started hurting, though. We played a song called The Box over and over again along with some drum cadences. My hair was swinging back and forth like a pendulum when we were playing, so I had to reach back a few times and stop it. Today I found an accurate description of parade marching.

Most people were pretty pessimistic about the parade, but I actually really liked it, despite marching a whole mile

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Most people were pretty pessimistic about the parade, but I actually really liked it, despite marching a whole mile. I've had to walk five at a camp before. I really want to do this again next year.

  When we got back, Mr. And Mrs. Davis gave us food and some of us watched the parade on Russ's GoPro. CS and I went outside to the parking lot and I found my mom. We said hi and then CS and I went to the bigger parking lot by the arena where they were taking apart floats. I had taken off my marching shoes so I was walking in socks. We had to cross a grassy area so CS picked me up and carried me to prevent my socks from getting all grassy 😂. He set me back down in the parking lot and we walked over to where some of his friends were at. We hung out there for a little bit and he started playing with a balloon. Well, I ended up taking it from him and he chased me across the parking lot to get it back. So he chases me for a balloon but not his phone XD.
  When we got back to his friends, he picked me up again. He always pretends to drop me to scare me. He did that, and he also THREW ME IN THE AIR AND CAUGHT ME, which nearly gave me a heart attack. He likes it when I get scared.
  Well, we end up going back to band hall and suiting up again. (Btw, my mom saw CS carrying me 😂). We played a warm up scale, a few of our songs, and then went over to the football field. We said hi to a trumpet player who was section leader before Mom who came to watch us. The Kidnapper was also there.
  Well, the game got started and we played a few stand tunes. I was nearly falling asleep on CS and Fluffeh's shoulders.
  We made it to half time and we played the same performance last week except in full uniform and with a GoPro. I was getting pretty nervous beforehand but I toughed it out. I screeched the last note of Rosanna, though and forgot to lower my trumpet. CS had to remind me. Other than that, we did pretty good. I was awake after half time. We played the school song over and over again about four or five times as they were announcing the homecoming  maids/queens.
  We had third quarter off as usual and so Fluffeh and I went to concessions. The Accomplice, who was in the back of the line, gave me money to buy him a blue Gatorade. He told me to keep the change for waiting in line for him. So I have like two bucks but I left it in my uniform pocket on accident along with my valve oil and chapstick.
  We played a little in fourth quarter. Our team ended up winning again. I had a really fun time.

So I noticed that someone wrote on my mom's van. Around last week, I got bored, so I wrote TØP on the back of my mom's van. Well, someone saw that last night and decided to add to it...

 Well, someone saw that last night and decided to add to it

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I feel honored that my mom's van is wash worthy XD. We haven't had rain in a while.
  The thing is, I know exactly who did it, too, since she left her initials. It was an alto sax player who is obsessed with Twenty One Pilots.

  Anyways, I had a good day. Bye!

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