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    January 14, 2017

      So fluffeh and I stayed after school for Homecoming. Does anyone else have a basketball homecoming!? I heard it was uncommon.
   After school, Russ offered for fluffeh and me to come with him to pick up his little brother from kindergarten. I immediately freaked out when he said "little brother" because that child is adorable. Russ's mom is an English teacher for 9th grade, so he just takes his little brother to her room after school. We were walking down the hallway after picking up the adorable child when he suddenly says to Russ,"I don't like your friends!" He was so straightforward it was too adorable for me to be offended. I was like,"Not even I can be that honest around people."
  Russ's mom found out that his little brother had said that to us (he said that we were mean. We didn't say hi because Russ had told us that he was shy around big kids) and she was like,"What are you talking about? Those girls don't have a mean bone in their bodies!" Fluffeh and I gave each other a look.
   We have a VR program in our library and some people were experimenting with it during our Friday study hall. One girl was doing a face your fear simulator where you're in a dark room and there will be like a ghost or clown or something in it with you. Well I was standing next to her and she said something like,"No, I'm talking about the nightstand!" Then, she gestured to basically all of me.
   I had to do it. "Did you just assume my gender!?" I asked. One of the flute players in my class facepalmed.

     In English, our computer tech guy came in and I was the only person on a chrome book, so our English teacher asked if the guy could use it to look at something on there. Well, I exited out of what I was doing and added a new tab. The problem is....my home screen is twenty one pilots along with a google extension that I have. It was awkward lol. My teacher eventually asked me to get a chrome book that I wasn't signed into XD.
   The game was...well, it was crappy for me, because I was on the verge of a panic attack during the boys' half-time Break.
   Mom, Gerald, and I all started to sing Seagulls at one point. It was great.
    Our team lost all three games. The points were really close.
    Dundermawk came up with a new name for the Air Heads Sour strip candy: unicorn bacon.  It's amazing.
  Fluffeh was kind enough to give me her leftover water when I felt like crying and curling up in a ball to die.
    Is it weird that I have step brothers that are older than Mr. Davis?
   My All Region concert is the 20th. (6 Days from now). I got a black shirt yesterday and some sandals. Is it bad that I'm going to be in all black at the concert? Black shirt, black slacks, black shoes, and probably black nails XD. My sister was like,"You'd might as well keep a black ski mask with you to put on right before you play." I'm wearing my sandals with my pajamas right now because I don't want to take them off XD. They're the gladiator style of shoes with open toes.
   I might get to go to hot topic the weekend after all Region and I am so excited because I wanna get me some twenty one pilots merch!
   Well, I guess that's all for now. Football season was a lot more eventful.

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