Going Solo

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  January 20, 2018
     We had another basketball game last night. It was interesting.
   To start out with, Colby Jack Cheese ( Spunkyhorse14 's brother) joined band again. He is a trumpet player, which makes eight of us.
   Well, CS and Jazz couldn't come because CS is at an FFA camp and Jazz was home with a sick little sister. The Acoomplice wasn't there, either, due to work, so Mom had to take over on the quads and snare. One of my trumpet sisters and Colby Jack had to play first parts with me.
  What was bad was mr. Davis chose to have us play all of the embouchure-killing songs first, so my lips were killing me. I told Mr. Davis that when he was sitting with Mrs. Davis (she plays trombone) and they were both like,"That's good! That's how they get stronger!" And I said,"You won't get mad at me if I sound bad, will you?" He said no lol.
   I liked talking to Colby Jack (he sat by me). He's moderately introverted, so we got along well. I actually like skipping the usually small talk and talking about deeper stuff. It was nice.
   So, at half time of the senior boys game, we played Make Me Smile. Well, I played first instead of my usual second. During a rest, I turned around to see Mom on the snare. I shrugged and kept playing. Mr. Davis cut us off early so an announcement could be made. I had lowered my trumpet and then asked my trumpet sister,"What part were you playing?"
   "Second," she replied.
   I turned to Colby jack. "What did you play?"
   "Guys....I just played a solo!" I exclaimed. I hope people could hear me. They were proud of me.

  Two girls in band were talking about Wattpad, and I was like don't say anything. Don't say anything. XD.

   We start solo and ensemble next week. Senior high all Region is today. I texted mom and he is number 28! I was like 115 or something.
  My concert is next weekend. I'll have to keep practicing out of my Arban.
   Until next time!


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