World's Loudest Sneeze?

77 11 21

October 5, 2017

We were marching out on the practice field today. We're working on the other half of our half-time show. We have to move again halfway through Rosanna.

So CS stole my cap and was wearing it half the time that we were out there. >:[ XD (I got him back by stealing his music when we got inside, but then he just set me on top of a filing cabinet and stole my shoe). We were fake-arguing on the practice field and Jaws was getting all emotional and was like,"Stop it! You're tearing this family apart!" XD

Someone was pulling out of the school's road with their windows down when we were marching and we suddenly hear the driver sneeze. I was like,"BLESS YOU!"

We're learning backwards-marching. I think we'll have to march backward when we add "Make Me Smile"to the half-time show.

On Tuesday we got a Christmas song called "Canto" and it sounds SO COOL!

Mr. Davis also helped me more with All-Region music today. I'm improving. So I was telling Mr. Davis that I was having trouble playing loud and that it might be because I'm so small and he was like,"Size matters not in marching band." And I was like,"I see what you did there..."

Our next marching show isn't until the twentieth :'( Russ is going to hopefully let me attach his GoPro to the bell of my trumpet for it. :D

Today in reading someone was asking how in the world a pen could be mightier than a sword and I was like,"Uhh, have you read Percy Jackson!????"

So...yeah. That's about it. See-ya!

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