"Know What is Right...AND DO IT!"

75 14 29

September 8, 2017

So, tonight was my first football game! And I am soooo tired! It's almost 10:30 and the game started at 7:00.
We had a school pep rally earlier today and we played Rosanna and the Fight Song. Some guys wee jamming to Stayin Alive on a Bluetooth speaker on the way to band hall. It was fun!
As lunch in the cafeteria, Trouble by Taylor Swift came on the pandora station over the cafeteria speakers. Well, that one part where she does that whole sigh thing, one half of the cafeteria screamed. That one half included the majority of the band kids, XD. They were really getting into it.
CS, Fluffeh and I stayed after school and hung out in the band hall until Mr. Davis closed the band hall to get food off campus. We also helped take chairs out to the track and got to ride in the bed of the assistant principal's truck.   

Well, Fluffeh and I went to the Dollar General right next to the school and got some BBQ Fritos, Dr. Pepper, and Snapple. We ran into a lot of other band kids there like Jimmy and Jaws.
After that, we walked back up to campus and sat against a wall and ate our food, talking to CS, Cam, Jazz, Sam, and one or two others. Then, we walked over to the band hall where some of the other band kids were passing frisbee. Well, CS just had to pick me up bridal style and carry me all the way down there to them XD. He did it earlier going to lunch, too. And what he does to scare me is he fakes dropping me to make me shriek and hold on tighter. At one point, he started running with me around other guys and was like,"She's mine!"
  So, later I got to meet his parents (a nerve wracking experience) and we got to ride to Dollar General again.
  After that, more people started to show up and we got our T shirts in. They're pretty cool. CS honestly seemed more excited for this being my first football game than I was, XD.
  But the best part of the night?? I didn't have a panic attack! I wasn't even the slightest bit nervous! Yay!!!! Now I'll just have to see if I can do that at All Region...
  What was great was when we all first got to the field, Ride by Twenty One Pilots came on over the loudspeakers. Well, since the majority of the band are emos, you could hear half the band singing along.
  People from both teams ended up getting injured :/

  So, in between songs, the whole back rows in band were jamming out to BLR Seagulls and Bushes of Love. I know the words by heart pretty much, so I joined in. XD Mr. Davis was like,"You guys need to be in choir next semester."
  CS got to meet my parents and he was pretty scared, lol.
  At one point, CS went up and was talking to another girl at the fence and pretty much my whole section was like,"Rey! Come get your man! He's flirting with another girl!"
  And I'd be like,"He's not my man!"
  At one point, Mom did a sassy Z-snap and was like,"Rey, girl, come over here and get yo man!" It was great, XD
  So, at the end of the game, we carried on with the apparent traditions where the director would say,"Know what is right." And we'd scream,"AND DO IT!" It was pretty cool.
  Well, sorry if this isn't good. I'm as tired as crap and I have to get up at 4:30 am tomorrow morning.
  So, so long for now.

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