Do You Remember the 22nd Night of September?

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September 23, 2017

  I realized something writing the title to this. The first line of September is "Do you remember the 21st night of September?" If only it was the twenty first last night! It would've been perfect for the marching show!

  So, by ninth period I was really getting tired of being around people. I started going into an introvert hangover. Now, an introvert hangover is where you mentally get tired of people and you need to be alone to mentally recharge. You can feel irritable, as well as physically and mentally tired. You're in desperate need to get away from people.
  Well, by the time I got down to band hall with Fluffeh and CS, I wanted to cry for the need to be alone. I eventually got away from everyone and worked on homework in the band kitchen/library. Fluffeh came in there with me because I didn't mind her since she knows when and when not to talk, unlike SOME people *cough *cough* K2SO. We sat and listened to music for a few minutes. I put my knees to my chest and ducked my head down as well closed my eyes for a mental recharge after I finished my homework. All was doing well...until I heard something. A sound was coming from the main rehearsal room.
  Bohemian Rhapsody was playing on CS's Bluetooth speaker. Fluffeh and I take out our earbuds and I was like,"Is that what I think it is?"
  We started to hear singing and then we suddenly hear a wail that was the equivalent to:
  "Mama!!!!! OOOOoooooOooooOOOOO!!!! I don't wanna die!!!"
  The wail was from the Accomplice. Fluffeh and I just about died from laughing. He sounded like a dying animal. Surprisingly, that helped brighten my mental state.
  Fluffeh and I walked over to the Dollar General  a little bit later with $13 and we were budgeting food like college kids 😂.
  What was kind of sweet was when Fluffeh and I were walking back to the band hall, I saw CS rounding the corner of the arena looking for me. Her and I ran into Russ and he said CS was looking for me as I had assumed and we walked up to high school building. Russ's mom is an English teacher that I had last year and so we went up to her room and hung out, eating pizza and chips n' dip.
  Instead of taking the long way out of the high school building to go back to the band hall, we left the classroom in style: through the window. It was awesome! We climbed right out since it's only a foot off of the ground XD. We walked down to band hall to find it locked because Mr. Davis went to order pizza. So, CS, Russ, Fluffeh, and I all walked back up to the roofed area that connects the high school and Jr. high buildings together.
  When we first started walking up the sidewalk, was sipping on some almost-gone Snapple. CS goes,"Is that in a glass bottle?"
  In an answer, I slam the bottle to the concrete and everyone jumps as it soars about six feet in the air. (If you guys haven't figured it out yet, it was the new plastic version). I nearly gave CS a heart attack, but the look on his face was totally worth it 😂. Later, he was like,"You could've just told me it was plastic!" And I was like,"Don't you know by now that I have a dramatic flare?"
  So well anyways, as "punishment" for scaring CS, he swept me into his arms and carried me bridal style the rest of the way up the sidewalk. The reason it was punishment was because usually I complain when he does it. Well, he picked me up and set me on the rail like three or four feet off the ground and I was clinging to it for dear life even though he promised I wouldn't  fall. Then, he got out his Bluetooth speaker and we started playing some music.
  Well, he eventually put on "The Dance" by Garth Brooks. And...he ended up convincing me to dance with him. I turned SOO red, according to Russ and Fluffeh. CS grabbed my left hand in his right and put my right hand on his shoulder, his left at my waist. We tried dancing but I kept staring at his feet even though he was trying to get me to focus on him, but that's hard looking that far up to such a tall person. He insisted I wouldn't step on his feet. He tried spinning me and it was really awkward but funny. We ended our dance and listened to some more songs.
  Anyways, on to the game. Our team won like forty to eighteen or something. When we were on the track waiting to play the fight song when our team broke through the paper, we were staring at the other teams paper. Most of the people on the other team were black (I'm not trying to be racist!) and the bottom of their banner said #blackandgold, named after their school colors. Well, someone thought it said #blackandproud. 😂
  When we were dismissed to our seats, we saw a familiar face....

MrPeanutWaffles , prepare to ship this.

We saw...

The Kidnapper. Everyone was greeting him like he was a celebrity.

  I was like,"Fluffeh! There's your bae!" She was like,"No!" #OlderandYoungerTromboneLives!
  "He's here to kidnap me!" I exclaimed.

  Well, first quarter went by pretty fast. Then second quarter came around. And that was the time that I started having anxiety...
  CS noticed how quiet I was and knew that that wasn't good for me. Quiet means either a) I'm observing and analyzing, b) I'm overthinking or c) I'm on the verge of a panic attack. Or d) all of the above. He knew I was nervous and tried to convince me that everything was going to be Ok. It's just, I was really worried because we hadn't practiced much with September and I was falling off the high notes. Then, the buzzer sounded and we lined up against the fence and that's when my nerves really started to kick in. CS was like,"Do you need a hug?" So I hugged both him and Fluffeh and they distracted me and got me to laugh so I wasn't as nervous. Then, we marched out onto the field.
  Everything went fine. We all played well and got our movements down. I came off the field in relief and CS was really proud of me. We got third quarter off to get food and what not and I just chilled with my friends.
  During fourth quarter, CS remembered that I was ticklish and we got into a tickle fight. The thing is...he's a bit more ticklish than me 😈. So, we were both tickling each other and it was hilarious.
  I also got mad at him for blowing a note into my trumpet because I don't like other people using my mouthpiece. Ugh. Oh well, I'll live.

  All in all, I had a really good first marching show and second football game. Now next week we're marching in a parade in full uniform. That escalated quickly.

   So, farewell my friends! Bye! (For now)

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