After a couple of hours, it's almost dinner time, so we head back home. "Bye guys." Ross and I say to the two women. "Bye Ben, see you soon!" I crouch down and give him a hug before Ross helps me back up to leave.

As we're walking down the street, I spot a familiar face and immediately get attached to Ross. I recognise her face well and anger fills up inside of me, but it doesn't click why I really don't like her. That is... until... I feel Ross' grip around me tightened, to symbolise that I was his and no one else could replace me in his full life. It was the copy girl from that xerox place that slept with Ross.

Overly mixed emotions cause me to vigorously claw my fingernails deeply into Ross' arm as it falls in front of me, and tears rush to my eyes, harshly threatening to fall as I start to softy whimper my saddness out. This bitch caused this foggy patch in our relationship. She is the reason we spent time apart. She's the reason my child almost went without a father. She is the broken reason.

She finally sees us and clocks that she should not be near. She shamefully lowers her head and speeds up her walking, but she's walking in the direction of where we are. As she approaches, I feel like pouncing at her and ripping her boy-cut hair out until there is no more to show for her, but tears clouding my vision and my unwillingness to loosen the fierce grip I have on Ross prevents me from doing just that.

As she gets near, she raises her head and made eye contact with me -bad choice- then with Ross as she hurries and scurries past. A little cough showing she isn't comfortable nor happy to have seen us out and about. She saw the hurt in my eyes and the hate in my actions, as do most people who take one glance at me. Ross holds me close and kisses my hair softly, whispering in my ear that she means and meant nothing to him. I meant and mean everything to him. Me, Ben and our unborn child. Our family. Us.

This calms me down a bit. But I'm still furious about what happened and just has to remember the future to get the horrifying images of the past out of my head.

Barbados. The beach and the ceremony. Our wedding and the start of our married life, with our family too. Our friends all taking time away from their lives to celebrate with us. I'm so grateful of them, our friends. I really wouldn't be who I am today without them. They are the people who have shaped and moulded me into this figure of who I am. They gave me my new life and my new personality. They gave me the strength to get through all the tough times. I love them all so much.

When Ross and myself finally climb the last set of stairs and stumble through the always-unlocked front door, we see the widely familiar hair that stands and waves down the back of our four friends heads. Mon turns round, followed by everyone else and greets us. Standing up swiftly and gliding over to where Ross and I are, she grabs her 'super helpful' yellow notepad off the smaller coffee table. "Hey!" I sing. "Hi, someone called for either one of you earlier!" Mon states, handing the notepad to us. As Ross takes it, Monica continues with what she has started to say. "Yeah, the lady sounded very happy and said that you should call her back as soon as possible because she has some very good new!" She displays a very confused look but still managed to smile as she spoke to us.

I look at the notepad and see the number and a name written down on it. A very new name to me, to us. It was the one of the lady from this morning at the other apartment. Ross and I start to walk to my room to call her back. Mon continues to walk to the kitchen and does her usual routine of getting dinner ready. Looking in the fridge and the freezer; cupboards and everywhere else before she decides which fascinating dish to whip up.

I take the notepad and walk over to sit on the bed, Ross closing the door as I do so. I grab the phone and start to dial the number, putting it on loud-speaker so that Ross can be apart of the conversation when the lady answers. "Hello?" she politely greets. "Hi, it's Ross and Rachel. You called us earlier but we weren't home. What can we help you with?" we reply with smiles.

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