Day 148, Time to Save Natsu

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Lucy P.O.V. (updated 2021)

This was the day I go back to Fairy Tail

I said goodbye to all my dragon friends and masters, and my mom.

"I love you Lucy, comeback and visit soon".

"I love you too, I will see you sooner than you think". I said with tear filled eyes.

I opened the portal back up to the human world. It took me 8 days of travel to get there. That was it 148 days since I started my training and I was finally back. 

There I was at the front doors of the guild. 

I got jittery as I began to wonder what the reaction would be. I quickly covered myself in a white cloak and walked through the guild. 

"Who is that?" I heard Cana say

I went straight to the Masters office. I looked at him straight in the eyes as he said "well well well, you finally found Leila?"

"Yes I did, and now I know who I truly am"

"Good, lets get you a new guild mark"

"Same as before please, but lets make it white" I said. 

He put the new mark on my hand, and we made our way out to the guild hall.

"Hey, brats! Look who's back!" Master screamed

"Hi everyone! You all probably don't remember me cause I look different with my blue eyes, white hair and new power but it's me, Lucy Heartfilia."

" LUCY!!!!!" Everyone said with joy.

"We missed you sooooooo much!" said Levy who was crashing into me with a hug. I looked up to see all my friends with tear filled eyes from pure joy. I looked over at Natsu who was stuck to Lisanna at the hip. I looked at him dead in the eyes and said "Hey Natsu, you miss me?"

"Absolutely not, I'm just happy with Lisanna". Lisanna had the biggest most evil grin on her face while he said that. That's when I decided to give him the old Lucy kick. 

After I kicked him he looked at my like he wanted a fight. So what did I do? I asked him "You wanna take me on?"

"Why not? You're weak anyway"

"Let's go outside then" I said looking straight at Lisanna as I walked away.

Lisanna POV

Ugh why did this stupid bitch have to comeback. Only two more days until the magic changes Natsu into mine. He better finish her quick, but I have a feeling that Lucy got stronger over the past half year. 

Natsu's p.o.v

The whole guild walked outside and placed their bets on who is gonna win. Most bets were on me, The only people that bet for Lucy were her 7 musketeers, master, Mira, and Laxus (who are now a couple). The battle began.

"Fire dragons roar!" I chanted

"Water dragon bubble sphere!" Lucy said quietly and her body was surrounded by a bubble.

Oh my god she knows dragon slayer magic now!?!

"Lightning dragon crushing fist!!!" She chanted

"Oh shit!" I said quite loudly

Luckily I just barley dodged it.

"Fire dragon iron fist!" I screamed

"Elemental dragon roar!!!!!!" She said

Oh shit, oh shit...

Lucy's p.o.v.

Oh crap I went a little to far on that but I was luckily able to stop it before it destroyed the whole city.

"Fire dragon wing attack!" He screamed

"Uchu  lend me your strength..." That's right I'm going there this little annoying fly is gonna pay for what he did to me.

"Starry heavens lend me your constellations..." 

"Starry dragons holy night!" Whop there it is!

A huge light shot down from the sky and hit Natsu right where he stood.

Take that you arrogant son of a bitch... Nobody messes with a Heartfilia!

I'm not even tired...

Lisanna POV

Shit. Natsu lost, just gonna have to make sure she stays out of the way so that the spell can finally be complete. 

Natsu's P.O.V.

All it saw was black...cold pitch black...

I woke up the next day in a hospital bed wondering what the heck happened to me, oh that's right Lucy beat me in a battle. Wow, she has gotten stronger.

"Hey where is Lisanna?" I said looking all over the room for her.

"She went out for a little bit" I heard a familiar voice say. 

I looked over and saw her, Lucy Heartfilia.

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