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   Lavender scents spread across the hotel's main hall. The black and white marble flooring caught one's attention. The chandelier that was hung up high gives a luxurious feeling. A woman in her late 30s walked through the hall, straight to the hotel's cafeteria. A coconut-haired boy trailed behind her.

"Eomma!" The boy called, stopping the woman who is obviously his mother at her track.

" Yes, Jungkook?" She raised her eyebrows before giving her son a small smile.

" Can I hang out with the others?" The boy looked at his mother with his big puppy eyes. He batted his eyelids, hoping that his mother will give him permission. His mother chuckled at the sight.

" Of course you can. Have fun." With that, the 11-years-old boy dashed away. He ran across the hall at full speed , out of the hotel and straight to the basketball court where he and his friends promised to meet up.

" Hyung!" Jungkook yelled making the other six boys turned to him. Smile plastered all over their face. " Sorry, I'm late. Let's play!" 

They start to play a 3 vs 3 basketball match with the wide-shoulder boy as the referee. The pale-skin boy got the ball and..

" SLAM DUNK!" His team, consist of a slightly shorter boy and a boy with a rectangle smile shouted in excitement as if they just win a trophy. Their excitement didn't last long when a sound of explosion shook the ground. Some of them let out a small shout.

" What the hell is that?!" The pale-skin boy named Yoongi shouted as  he lightly hug Jungkook. 

" H-Hyung, I-I'm scared." Jungkook's body shook. He never got so scared before. 

" It's o-" before Yoongi could finish his sentence, another explosion coming from the hotel. Jimin, the short one sheltered Taehyung with his body. Yoongi hugged Jungkook tightly.

" Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, I want all of you to stay here." Namjoon commanded. " The other, let's find our parents." Namjoon rushed into the burning hotel with the other 3 boys. The 3 younger boys look at them in worry. Jimin hold both Taehyung and Jungkook tightly and dragged them away to a safer place. Jungkook start to struggle.

"Hyung, let me go!" Jungkook tried to escape from Jimin's arm." Eomma is in there!" He start to cry.

"No,Kookie. You will get hurt!" 

"NO, EOMMA!!!"


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