Special Crossover [Part 9]

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Rose's eyes sparkled as she saw the dragon outside, waiting for her. He had forest green eyes, turquoise mane, and silver scales. His whiskers were long and wavy, his beautiful dragon form always melted the girl's heart. He was once again in a perfect health.

"Hawk!" Rose cried as she ran to him, hugged him tight, "Hawk, thank goodness! You're alive, I can't believe it."

Ruby followed her outside, with No-Face, Vicky's son, and the bird, "Perfect timing, I'd say."

Rose turned to the woman, "Granny, look! Hawk's alive!"

Hawk, in his dragon form, bowed to Ruby, pleading for forgiveness, Ruby smiled at him, "Hawk, I no longer blame you for what you did. Just make sure you protect the girl."

The old woman turned to the mouse and mosquito, "Okay, boys, it's time to go home. Come again soon."

The mouse kissed her big nose, and with the help of the mosquito, they flew to Rose's shoulder.

Ruby then noticed No-Face, "You stick around with me and be my helper."

NO-Face nodded in agreement.

"Granny!" Rose called, running to her, giving her one last hug, "Thank you, I'm going now."

Ruby smiled, and returned the hug, "Don't worry, I'm sure you can manage everything."

"My real name is Rose."

"Rose, what a nice name," Ruby complimented, "Take good care of it, it's yours."

"I will!"

She then climbed up on Hawk's back, with the two creatures on her shoulder, "Thank you, granny! Good bye!"

They flew to the dark sky, with the moon guiding them, they left the cottage, Ruby, No-Face, and the lamppost waved goodbye at them. And the dragon disappeared in the air.

When they were flying, Rose remembered something from her childhood, Hawk's shining and smooth scale, reminded her about a creature who saved her from drowning when she was 10. The sound of a river was heard, and a pink shoe was floating on the water, a girl splashed in, and almost drowned. Until she was underwater, but she didn't drown, a creature was below her, and she was at its back, the creature had sparkling turquoise mane, just like Hawk's, and its form, was a like a dragon form, Rose's eyes widened, surprised.

The girl then moved to Hawk's ears, "Hawk, listen, I don't know if you can hear me, but I just remembered something in the past."

She started her story, "Once when I was little, I dropped my shoe into a river. They said they'd drained the river and built things on top. I fell in, and I thought I was going to drown. But some kind of creature saved me, and brought me back to the shore. And I just remembered, the river was called... The SnowWhite River..."

"And I think it was you, and your real name is... Hawk SnowWhite!" She stated.

The dragon's eyes widened, and his scales shattered into pieces, transforming back to his normal form, Rose gasped, Hawk then appeared, they fell from the sky, Hawk caught the girl's hand, and they were then face to face.

"You did it, Rose! Now I remember I was the spirit of The SnowWhite River!" Hawk exclaimed, his eyes were sparkling, happy he had his real name back.

"A river spirit?" Rose asked, her eyes were also shining, full of tears, tears of joy.

"Yes, I am the spirit of the SnowWhite river." Hawk replied.

"But they'd built apartments on the top." 

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