Special Chapter 3

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Hey, I'm back! Sorry for not updating, but here's a special chapter for you guys, and this chapter is dedicated to Crystal_Elemaine1806 for her awesome stories!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


In the early winter, Rose was sitting alone in the garden in Regal Academy, admiring the lake's beauty, looked depressed, she didn't notice a certain prince was tiptoeing towards her. Still, she didn't realise the guy, until he put his hands on her eyes, covering them.

"Guess who?" He asked playfully.

The Cinderella sighed, "Hawk, stop playing games, I'm not in the mood!"

"Aww, why you always ruin my fun?"

Rose shot him the fiercest glare she could muster, and Hawk just stare at her, looked surprised.

I guess she really is not in a good mood, Hawk thought.

The SnowWhite sat next to her, silence flew through the air, creating an awkward moment. Then,  Hawk gathered his courage to talk to the upset Cinderella.

"W-what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't need your pities." Rose answered coldly.

Hawk was startled once more, he has never seen her in this side, she was really depressed, something was bothering her.

"Rose, please, just tell me what's bothering you, you look really upset."

"I said, I don't NEED your pities!" Rose shouted at him.

Then, the Cinderella realised what she had done, embarrassed, she buried her face in her legs, cheeks flushed.

Hawk placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.


"I-I'm sorry." The Cinderella said, didn't lift her head, too afraid to see his face again.

"You know, you can just tell me, you can trust me."

The Cinderella heavily sighed, she then decided to tell him the truth.




"Couglan, that brat, what had he done to you?" Hawk furiously asked, having his clench fisted.

"Like I told you before, he embarrassed me in front of people," Rose explained, "Even granny and the other professors saw me, I was really, really embarrassed of myself and him, he was such a disaster maker."

Hawk listened to every word the Cinderella spoke out, after Rose finished, Hawk let go a sigh, and put his hand around her waist.

"You know, there's nothing to worry about, you were just too concerned about it." Hawk reassured.

The Cinderella snuggled closer, and rested her head on his shoulder, "You're right."

Hawk touched her hand, "Geez, you're cold as ice!"

"I've been here for hours, and the temperature here is freezing, but I didn't mind." Rose said.

"Rose, seriously, you could get yourself killed because of hypothermia!" Hawk said in a worried tone.

Rose giggled, "Don't worry, Hawk, I'm fine."

She lied casually, she was shivering the whole time, she didn't want Hawk to worry about her.

"You're lying, you're shivering." Hawk said, it was obvious, her whole body was shivering like crazy.

Rose sighed in defeat, "Fine, you got me."

Hawk put off his jacket, and wrapped it on Rose's body.

"Feel any warmer?" Hawk asked.

Rose pulled the jacket tighter to her, "Still cold."

Hawk wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him, which made Rose's cheeks flush once more.

"What about now?"

Strange, when Rose was in his embrace, she felt like she was bathed in the sunlight. She had never felt this kind of warmth before, being in Hawk's embrace was really warm.

"Being in your embrace is always warm." Rose said, snuggled closer.

Hawk smiled, no one was as cute, adorable, and beautiful as her, his princess, the girl of his dreams.

"Hey, was that an earthquake?" Hawk asked.

Rose looked at him with a confused look, "Uh, Hawk, what are you talking ab-"

"Or did you just rock my world?"

Rose blushed, "That was so lame, how many pick-up lines have you got?"

"A lot." Hawk answered with a smirk.

"Oh, boy."

Hawk then looked at the Cinderella's winter boots, "Can I tie your shoe?"

Rose took a glance on her boots, "Uh, Hawk, you don't need to-"

"'Cause I don't want you to fall for anybody else, you're mine."

Rose blushed really hard, Hawk smirked mischievously at her.

"Still lame." She answered nervously.

"C'mon! I knew you liked it!"

"Hawk, seriously, stop it!" Rose said while giggling.

They continued laughing, until Hawk smiled at her, leaning closer to her, grabbing her chin, pulling her closer to him.

"H-Hawk, what are you doing?" Rose nervously asked.

"Did it hurt?"


"Did it hurt when you fell for me, sweet princess?"

Rose tried to hide her red face, but Hawk kept grabbing her face.

"I know you love me." Hawk sassily said.

"Whatever, prince charming." Rose replied.

Slowly, his lips touched hers, pulling them into a long, passionate kiss.


Okay, this is the third special chapter and hope you like it! See you at the next chapter!

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