Chapter 12: The Charming's Revenge

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The Charming followed the team, he had no idea where they were going, but he kept following them because he knew the team was up to something.

"Come on, guys, let's find Dr. LeFrog! He might know the cure for the spell!" Astoria exclaimed.

A cure for the spell?  Couglan thought.

"Let's go to my grandpa's Castle, he might be there this time!" Joy suggested, everyone nodded.

Why they are finding Dr. LeFrog? I know it's about the spell but what spell?

The Charming decided to keep in low profile, so the team didn't feel suspicious someone was following them.

At last, they arrived at the LeFrog Castle, and luckily, Dr. LeFrog was there. Joy ran inside and greeted her grandfather, Dr. LeFrog didn't expect them to come, but he gladly help if they needed something.

"Hello, there, students, what's the occasion to come here?" Dr. LeFrog asked.

"Grandpa, we need your help." Joy replied.

"Go ahead."

"Rose, she is trapped, inside Hawk's mirror, because of a spell that hit her." Astoria explained.

"Oh my frog! Who did that to her?!"

"It was Vicky, obviously." Hawk said, rolling his eyes when said the word 'Vicky'.

"Have you reported Headmistress Cinderella about this?" Dr. LeFrog asked again.

"We have, Dr. LeFrog, and right now, we need a cure for Rose's spell." Lingling said, hoping Dr. LeFrog could help them.

"Very well, give me a moment." 

Dr. LeFrog left them to find the cure, the gang waited at Joy's bedroom. Full of lotuses, and it was really wet.

Joy offered them some snacks, with insects. Travis was about to grab one, but Hawk warned him, so he didn't take the snack.

"Travis, we told you not to eat Joy's snacks." Hawk whispered to him.

The Beast just smiled sheepishly to him.

Still, they didn't know a certain prince was spying on them. From outside, by the window.

"So, this spell was related to my Rose?" The one and only Couglan muttered.

A few minutes later, Dr. LeFrog came back, brought nothing in his hands.

"Uh, grandpa?" Joy asked.

"I am truly sorry, students, I'm afraid that I can't find the cure." Dr. LeFrog confessed, felt sorry for the team.

Hawk's heart shattered into pieces, Dr. LeFrog was his only hope to save her. To save his princess. He then realised, they must find the cure before tomorrow, because tomorrow would be the third day Rose trapped in the mirror, and, if they couldn't find the cure, Rose would disappear from them, forever.

"But, Dr. LeFrog, there must be another way, right?" Hawk asked, hoping there would be another way, hoping the cure wasn't in the book.

Dr. LeFrog sighed heavily.

"I'm afraid no."

Hawk was dumbfounded, they couldn't find any cure.

"Dr. LeFrog, you are our only hope." Astoria pleaded, tears started to gather in her sparkling eyes.

Dr. LeFrog made an apologetic face, telling them he couldn't help them, since the spell was very powerful.

"If so, thank you for all your help." Lingling said.

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