Chapter 8: The Princess in The Mirror

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Who could that be?

Hawk was curious, he then decided to call the girl.

"Hello?" He said, tried to call her.



No answer



He then touched the mirror, and suddenly, his hand could get through the mirror, he gasped, without thinking, he walked inside the mirror.

He walked deeper inside the mirror, then, he notice the girl he saw outside the mirror, sobbing quietly, but the SnowWhite could hear it. He approached the girl, when the girl realised someone was walking towards her, she turned around to see Hawk, the girl's appearance made Hawk shocked for a moment, she had a pair of deep blue eyes, long blonde hair that reached her knee. She wore a ballgown, just like Rose's, she also wore a beautiful tiara with pink diamonds.

"Rose?" Hawk asked, observing her.

"Hawk?" Rose asked, was also shocked.

After a moment of a shocking moment, Rose stood up and ran to the SnowWhite, hugging him tight.

"I thought I would never see you again." She whispered, her whispers was just like the whispers of an angel. Hawk, also hugged her, really tight, like a strong rope that couldn't be cut, he didn't want to lose her.

"Me too." Hawk whispered back.

When they broke the hug, shadows were behind the Cinderella.

"But, I'm sorry, Hawk, this is going to be the last meeting, I will never see you again."

Hawk, shocked, and confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to disappear, in a few seconds, no one broke had broken the spell, so, I have no hope, no life, but stuck in here, and if in three days someone haven't broke the spell, I would eternally dissapear, and now, it's time."

"B-But, Rose, you will never leave me!" Hawk cried, grabbing her wrist.

"I'm sorry, Hawk, but I can't change my fate, to disappear and the curse became eternal, I wouldn't see you and my friends."

Rose was slowly fading, Hawk tried to grab her, but it was too late, she was already transparent.

"ROSE! NO!" Hawk cried.

Suddenly, a figure of a person appeared and took Rose into his embrace, Rose slowly closed her eyes and leaned closer to him, the person smirked and gave an evil look at the SnowWhite.

"You will never touch a strand of hair of hers, she is mine forever, and you won't ever see her, because she is living with me happily in the eternal world. You got it, Hawk SnowWhite? Who had won her heart? I win, Hawk, she had fallen for me!" He said, and cackled, slowly disappearing.

Hawk was a little angry (and jealous). The SnowWhite tried to reach the person but failed, then, he realised the person who took Rose away from him.

Couglan Charming.

"NOOO!!!" Hawk screamed from his room, he then jumped up, breathing heavily.

It was all a dream?

Hawk was still worried about the Cinderella, and of course, he was also mad at his rival.

It was just a dream

It was just a dream

It was just a dream

Those thought made the SnowWhite a little calmer. Then, he realised the time and was about to get ready, until he remembered his punishment his grandmother had given.

"Oh, right." He said.

He went back to his bed and lie down, bored.

At Regal Academy, Astoria and her teammates gathered at the garden, waiting for the LeFrog and the Beast.

"Hey, guys!" Joy said while running.

Then, she was being followed by Travis.

"Hey!" Travis greeted.

"Hey, you two!" Astoria greeted them.

"By the way, Travis, where's Rose?" Lingling asked.

"I don't know, she wasn't at home this morning, and her mother seemed to have no idea where she was." He answered.

"Well, that's strange, have you checked the shoe store?" The ivy-haired princess asked.


"And Hawk hasn't come, too. Where are those two lovebirds?"

"Secretly dating?"

The team bursted out laughing.

"I don't think so, I overheard Professor SnowWhite had grounded Hawk for a week, so he couldn't go to school." The Frog Princess explained.

"What!? Why?" The Beast asked.

"You don't remember, do you? Hawk had a fight with Couglan, and Headmistress Cinderella found out, and also punished them."

"Speaking of Couglan? Where is he now?"

They shrugged.

"I'm worried about Rose." Astoria said worryingly.

"Me too." The IronFan joined.

"Don't worry, Astoria, I'm sure we will find her.

The Rapunzel nodded, then they went to their class.


There! Another chapter is out! So enjoy this chapter (And please vote for sure)!

And special thanks to my readers and followers! 





and so on.. (Srry I'm too lazy)

See ya at the next chapter!

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