Chapter 15: Fallen for The Wrong Prince

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Couglan left, with the Cinderella in his hands.

The SnowWhite gritted his teeth, clenching his fist. The Beast tried to calm him down.

"Hawk, chill out!" Travis said.

"How can I chill out if Rose is in trouble?!"

Everyone remained silent.

"Clever Prince." Hawk said sarcastically.

They couldn't do anything, the Charming had escaped, kidnapped the Cinderella. They had managed to free Rose from the mirror spell, but, Couglan took her away.

"Guys, why don't we follow him? We can track him!" Astoria suggested.

"I am so dumb, why I didn't even think about that?" Hawk muttered.

"Good idea, Astoria! Let's just call our dragons!" Lingling said.

The team rushed to the main entrance gate, calling their dragons, changed their uniforms into Regal Armour.

"Now what? I can't see him." Travis groaned, searching for the Charming's dragon."

"Wait, there he is!" Joy exclaimed, pointing at the dark purple dragon, with Couglan and Rose on it.

"Come on! What are we waiting for?" Hawk said, taking the lead.

They followed Hawk's lead, tailing Couglan's dragon.

Meanwhile, Rose had awaken from her sleep, and realised she was riding on a dragon, an unfamiliar dragon, with dark purple scales and black mane. Then, she saw Couglan was holding her tight, shocked. Rose struggled, trying to get free from his arms. Couglan, while he was paying full attention to his destination, realised the Cinderella was finally awaken. And then, she struggled, tried to pull away from him.

"Let me go!" She shrieked.

Couglan didn't mind, he tighten his grip, pulling her aside, getting closer, and he grabbed her waist, so the Cinderella couldn't escape.


Rose wiggled and wiggled. Running out of energy, she gradually gave up. And let the Charming brought her to wherever he wished.

But then, the Cinderella saw Hawk and the rest of the teammate. Relieved, she slapped the Charming's face, and Couglan loosened his grip. And Rose was finally free. But unfortunately, she fell from the dragon.

"AAH!" She screamed.

But luckily, she had her wand with her. So she could summon her family item, the glass slippers.

"Fairytale of my dream, glass slippers make the scene!" She said.

Magically, the slippers appeared on her feet. Rose then boosted, trying to get away from the Charming, and assembled with her friends.

"Rose!" The team shouted from the sky, because they were still riding their dragons.

Hawk, managed to catch Rose up, he landed his dragon, and ran to her.

"Hawk!" Rose squealed.

Hawk was a few feet closer to her, until, some kind of spell hit her.

Rose fell, unconscious.

Hawk then lifted his head up, to see the Broomsticks and the Stepsister. The Charming gathered with them.

The team gathered with the SnowWhite

"Now, finally, my plan worked." Vicky said, chuckled nastily.

The team was confused, then, Vicky spoke up.

"I don't care if we are still enemies, but thank you, Couglan, to help me accomplish this evil plan."

Joy turned into a frog, Travis immediately kissed her to turn her back.

Hawk, and the rest of the teammates, were completely dumfounded.

"You are welcome, Vicky." Couglan said, taking Rose to his embrace and went back to his position.

Hawk couldn't control his anger and jealousy, he quickly casted his Snow Magic on them.

"Snow Magic!" He casted.

He made an ice trap, well, it suceed at first, but, ice was fragile, so Vicky could easily broke them.

Hawk gritted his teeth.

He then saw Rose was finally conscious, but, he saw no light in her eyes, blank. Couglan released her from his grip.

"Finally, Rose was under my control!" Vicky said, "she is all yours, Couglan."

The Charming's face beamed, but the SnowWhite's face frowned.

"She is now MINE!" Couglan shouted at Hawk, grabbing her waist.

Hawk could only watch, Rose eyes were blank.

"Rose, please, snap out of it! It's me, Hawk!" Hawk pleaded, trying to make her remember who she really was.

"Don't listen to him, honey, he is a monster, now, attack!" Couglan commanded.

Rose, in a blink of an eye, ran towards Hawk, and attacked him.

"Pumpkin magic, make me a pumpkin catapult!" Rose commanded.

A pumpkin catapult appeared, and it started to shoot pumpkins on Astoria's team.

"I don't want my hair to be ruined!" Astoria shrieked.

"You gotta be kidding me, Astoria!" Travis yelled.

Rose casted some spell, and was about to throw it to Hawk.

"Fairytale of my dream, mirror shield make the scene!" He said.

The SnowWhite's family item, the mirror shield, appeared on his hands.

Rose threw the spell, and Hawk quickly dodged it using his shield, and throw the spell back to her.

Rose, quickly dodged her own spell.

Hawk sighed in relief.

"Nice try, Rose! Finish him!" Couglan commanded.

Rose summoned a sword with her wand, and ran towards Hawk, and fought him, hand-to-hand combat.

Hawk, quickly summoned his magic sword too, and fought back.

The battle lasted for nearly 15 minutes, Rose started to get exhausted.

"Rose! Get up now! You haven't done your battle yet!" Couglan shouted.

Rose, heard her master's command, and fought him back.

"Rose, please..."


Finally! I can publish it today! Enjoy!

Oh, yes! I give you another chance to give me questions! Just keep asking! And I will gladly answer them!

See you at the next chapter! Bye!

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