Special Crossover [Part 2]

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Rose stared at the person, a boy, who looked older than her, around sixteen years old, or seventeen. He had blue hair with bangs, turquoise eyes, a white kimono and puffy, navy Japanese trousers called monpe and a light blue sash around his waist. He stared at her, looked surprised. He then stepped forward, studying her, and became more surprised.

"You shouldn't be here, get out of here, now!" He shouted sternly.

Rose looked surprised, "What?"

"It's almost night, leave before it gets dark!" The boy warned.

Day slowly turned to night, some lights were lit up.

"They're lightning the lights," the boy said, "Now go, I'll distract them, get back across the river!"

The boy pushed Rose back to the stairs, commanded her to leave the place.

Rose went down through the stairs, she looked the restaurants were lightning some lights, "What's up with him?" She asked herself.

Obeying the boy's command, she ran back to the restaurant where her parents were eating.

Rose shook their bodies, "Mom, Dad! Let's go back! Hurry!"

When they turned their head, Rose was double surprised, her parents were pigs. 

"What's going on?!"

She decided to leave them, because she had no time, and when she arrived at the river bank, she couldn't walk across because water was filling the river.


She freaked out, until she saw some buildings at the other side of the river, she thought there was only one building, but there are some buildings.

"This can't be..." Rose murmured, "I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!"

She bended down, curling up, "Go away, disappear, disappear..."

When she lifted her head, she noticed her hand became transparent.

"I'm see through!"

She then saw a boat coming by, and some oddly looking creatures went out the boat, heading to the bathhouse.

"It's just a dream! It's got to be!"

She ran to hide herself from the creatures.

Meanwhile, the boy who warned Rose to get back, was running to search for the girl, he knew she failed to do her task, he then saw her at a corner of a building, with her head in her legs, he approached her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

Rose jolted, felt someone was touching her shoulders, she looked up to see the boy was with her. She was really terrified, afraid he would turn her to pig like her parents.

"Don't worry, I'm a friend." He said.

"No, no, no, no!" She muttered.

He took something from his kimono, "Open your mouth and eat this, unless you eat something from this world, you'll vanish."

"NO!" Rose screamed, tried to push him away, but failed, she was completely transparent.

"Don't worry, I won't turn you into a pig or something," he said, while trying to put a kind of berry into her mouth, "Chew it, and swallow."

She obeyed him, and swallowed the berry.

"Good girl, now you're fine," The boy said, with his hand in front of her, "See for yourself."

Rose glanced at him, then his hand, she took her hand, and their hands brushed.

"I-I'm okay.." She said.

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