Chapter 7:Inside Your Mirror

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Hawk was following the girl to somewhere when he heard a scream.


Hawk turned his head. The voice seemed very familiar to him.


Hawk quickly ran to the voice's source. He ran to the school garden, where the source was. When he ran inside, he saw the Charming with the Broomstick, the Cinderella was lying unconscious.

"Now, for the final spell." Vicky said, Hawk quickly hid behind the bushes.

She lifted her wand, was about to cast a spell on the Cinderella.

"NO!" Hawk yelled, jumped out from the bushes and quickly snatched Vicky's wand, Couglan was trying to block his way but Hawk punched him until the Charming was unconscious.

But it was too late.

Rose had disappeared.

"Rose, no!" Hawk cried, the evil witch made the love of his life vanished from him.

"Vicky, you little-" Hawk growled, but Couglan cut him off.

"Vicky, I thought you're going to make her love me! But now, she disappeared!?"

"You CAN'T just boss me around! I can do whatever I want! And the thing I've been wanting to do is to make Rose vanished from fairytale land!"

The Charming gritted his teeth, really wanted to punch the Broomstick's face.

Hawk just realised, Vicky didn't do this on her own, Couglan must have asked her to help him make Rose fell in love with him. But, Vicky betray him, by vanishing Rose.

"You were planning to steal Rose from me!?" Hawk shouted, glaring at Couglan.

"Rose is MINE! So do NOT mess with me!" Couglan shouted back, didn't want to lose.

"She was my partner to the ball, and she had rejected you, you wanted to take her again!?"

Hawk and Couglan were about to take fighting position. Until, when Hawk was about to punch him, Professor SnowWhite and Headmistress Cinderella appeared.

"ENOUGH, YOU TWO!!" Headmistress Cinderella yelled, "What in the pumpkins was going on!?"

"HAWK, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Professor SnowWhite shouted at his grandson.

Vicky used this chance to ran away from them.

"Care to explain what happened?" Headmistress Cinderella asked.

"Headmistress Cinderella, Couglan, at first, he wanted to take my partner, and Vicky was here, casted some spell on Rose, and then, Couglan started to fight me!" Hawk explained, shooting dead glares at Couglan.

"Lie! Headmistress Cinderella, he was the one who started to punched me!" Couglan argued, pointing at Hawk.

Hawk and Couglan continued to argue, until Headmistress Cinderella lose her patience and yelled at them.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! I am very disappointed with you, young men, Couglan, I want you to come with me. And Professor SnowWhite, please take care of Hawk." Headmistress said, and left with Couglan. It was only Hawk and his grandmother.

Professor SnowWhite sighed, she seemed disappointed.

"Hawk, I'm not pleased of what you did this time." Professor SnowWhite sternly said.

Hawk pouted.

"But, granny, I-"

"Enough, Hawk, I don't want to hear any of your explanations anymore."

Hawk sighed.

That time, Astoria and the others ran to the garden, and found him.

"Because of your terrible behaviour, I have no choice but to ground you, I won't let you go back to Regal Academy for a week." Professor SnowWhite finished.

Hawk was shocked, he wouldn't go to school for a week?!

"Granny, I-"

"Now go to your room and don't go anywhere!"

Hawk sighed, the SnowWhite just followed his grandmother's words, about to leave.

"Hawk!" Travis called him.

Hawk turned around to see Travis and the other teammate.

"What happened?" Astoria asked.

"Long story."

"Why don't you tell us about it, and where's Rose?" Joy asked, reminding the gang about the Cinderella, who mysteriously disappeared.

"True, where is she?"

Hawk sighed once more, he narrated the story of what happened to him and Rose (and Couglan plus Vicky of course), Hawk didn't tell them about the spell that hit Rose, the gang nodded, undestood of what Hawk said.

"Don't worry, Hawk, we'll find her." Lingering said, Travis nodded in agreement.

"We won't find her, she's gone." Hawk sadly said, leaving them behind.

The gang looked confused.

She's gone..

She's gone..

Rose's gone forever..

Hawk went inside the castle and walked to his room, he changed his clothes and dived into bed, buried his face with a pillow.

His pet owl, Doc, just flew and cooed around.

"You're not helping, Doc." Hawk groaned.

Doc cooed again, Hawk ignored him, and he tried to call his reflection in the mirror, Mirror Hawk.

"Mirror Hawk, I really want to talk a bit." Hawk said, but strange, the Mirror Hawk didn't appear.

"Mirror Hawk? You there?"

Hawk was confused, Mirror Hawk didn't reply him.

"Mirror Hawk, I'm serious." Hawk said as he walked towards the mirror.

When he saw his mirror, Mirror Hawk wasn't there, instead, he saw a silhouette of someone.

"Huh? Who is that?" Hawk asked himself.

When he could see the person clearly, he was surprised, in his mirror, he saw a girl, with blonde hair, sitting with her head buried.

Who could that be?


Okay, that's the seventh chapter, 'Inside Your Mirror'! I hope you guys like it (for sure)! See you at the next chapter!

P.S: I bet you all already know who the girl is! (I think it's very obvious)

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