Special Crossover [Part 3]

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Hawk had left to meet the other spirits who were searching for him.

"Master Hawk, Mistress Vicky wants to have a word with you." One of the spirit, which was called Aogaeru said.

Hawk stepped into the bathhouse, "I know, it's about my mission, right?"

Rose watched him and the spirits walking into the bathhouse and continued to work. She decided to follow Hawk's instructions to the boiler room and get a job. She went to the back gate, and saw a steep staircase made of wood next to her. She gulped, stepped towards the stairs and went down step-by-step. Unfortunately, one of the stairs broke and made her trip. She yelped and ran down through the staircase, terrified.

After a few moments, she managed to reach the end. And she found a room with a sign called "Boiler Room". She entered the room, inside, she saw an old man was working, grumbling. She also saw some tiny black creatures carrying charcoals on their back, walking to the fireplace and throw the charcoal.

She managed to step forward and approach the man, "U-um, excuse me,".

The man didn't turned around, he was still focusing his work.

"U-um," Rose started, "Hawk sent me here. Please let me work here!"

Still, the old man didn't give his attention to her, "Darn, all at once... get to work you little runts!" He scolded the small soot balls.

He continued to work, until he finally spotted the girl, "I'm Travis. Slave to the boilers that heat the baths. Step on it, boys!"

Rose just looked at him, "Um, please let me work here!"

"I've got all the help I need. The place is full of soots." Travis replied.

Rose was standing at the soot ball's trail. One of the soot balls accidentally bumped on her feet.

"I'm sorry!" Rose said.

The soot balls threw the charcoal into the fireplace. Until the girl saw a soot ball tripped and dropped the charcoal. She helped it by taking its charcoal, "Um... what should I do with this? Do I just leave it?"

"Finish what you start!" Travis said.

Rose took the charcoal, walking towards the fireplace, and threw the charcoal, the flames spread everywhere, so Rose quickly ran back.

Because she helped the soot ball, all soot balls ran towards her, and dropped their charcoals, leaving them in front of her. So she could throw them all into the fireplace.

Travis spotted them, "You soot balls got a problem?! Get to work, to work!"

Suddenly, a door creaked open, revealing a woman with a basket on her hand.

"Chow time!" She said, spreading some kind of cookies to the soot balls.

She then headed towards Travis, "Where's your bowl? I keep telling you to leave it out."

Then the woman gave Travis a bowl of rice for him to eat, "Meal time! Take a break!"

When she was about to leave, she noticed Rose was there, and she gasped.

"A human!? You're in trouble!" She yelled, "They're having a fit about it upstairs!"

Travis cut her off, "That's my granddaughter."

"Granddaughter?!" She asked almost shouting at him.

Travis just ignore her, "Says she wants to work, but I've got all the help I need," He said, "Would you... take her to Vicky? The girl can handle her, I'm sure."

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