Chapter 14 Tour

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Hey guys here's chapter 14. If you are wondering why they haven't told Taylor yet is because they are not entirely sure she's trust worthy. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or any of the songs featured in this chapter.

Chapter 14- Tour

I lead everyone outside and we decided to walk around the small town as there were too many to fit in a car. We slowly walked through the small streets of forks occasionally pointing at familiar buildings and landmarks. We chat along the relaxing walk and got to know each other.

I saw an ice cream shop in the distance and my stomach instantly rumbled.

"Guys do you want some ice cream, I've heard this shop serves really good ice cream." I suggested hope filling my voice.

"Sure" they all replied even Alice who had a slight look of disgust on her small petite face. I giggled at her expression and started walking towards the small brick store. The sign said " Lindalicious Ice-Cream". I laughed at the sign and knew the owner must be named Linda.

I walked up the red brick steps and into the small and well organised shop. I looked around and saw various lollies displayed across the wall, brightening the room with their bright colours. I looked towards the long counter and saw lots of different ice-cream flavours displayed through the clear glass.

I scanned all the flavours and was drawn to the flavour of my desire, cookies and cream. I licked my cherry red lips and walked up to the register leaving the others to choose and buy the flavour of their choice. I approached the elderly women standing behind the beige bench and smiled warmly.

"Hello, welcome to Lindalicious ice-cream. How may I help you?" she said in a friendly voice.

"Um... could I get a waffle cone with cookies and cream ice-cream, two scoops." I said as she wrote it down on a notepad in elegant writing. I spotted a coffee machine placed behind her slim body. "And a small hot chocolate please" I added smiling as the women continued to scrawl neatly on the lined page.

"Is that all love?" she asked sweetly. I flinched at the pet name. That's what HE called me.

"Yes, thank you very much" I said in a friendly tone.

"That will be $6.50 please" she said sweetly. I grabbed my new purse and grabbed a ten dollar note out.

"Keep the change" I said. She smiled gratefully at me with slight wrinkles covering her small face. She made her way behind the counter and served my ice-cream and made my hot chocolate whilst the others wondered around the undersized store picking up objects they like. I grabbed my order and sat on the padded seat and started to lick my ice-cream whilst my hot chocolate started to cool off.
I saw the others go up to the counter and order their treats and pay. They all joined me at the glass table that held a vase and menu in the centre. We all waited for the orders to be completed and sat around the table getting to know each other and laughing at each others stories and jokes. When the orders arrived we all sat quietly eating the sweets in our hands.

Once we were done we returned our cups although Alice had nothing to return as she didn't order anything, we then thanked the women. I could tell Angela was suspicious of Alice because of what I said earlier. I could literally see the wheels turning in her head and I knew it wasn't long until she took one more step into the supernatural world, I could tell Alice noticed as well.

We walked out of the stall and started to journey back to the house, satisfied with our walk through town. Along the way there was more questions thrown at me and everyone else. Once we reached the house it was getting late and I knew they would have to head home soon. We stopped at a large rock close to the house and sat watching the sunset still chatting amongst ourselves.

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