Chapter 9 Explanation

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Hey guys here's chapter 9! Sorry I haven't updated I've had exams,test and essays plus so much more! I've written a fairly long chapter to hopefully make up for that time! Hope you like! Please vote,comment and possibly fan! Love you my readers!

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or any of the songs featured in this story, unfortunately.

Chapter 9- Explanation

I turned around towards the fire that had spread and was now burning the floorboards. If I can create it, I can destroy it. I opened my palm and tilted it towards the fire trying to see how I could dull the bright flames. Remarkably, the flames started to extract and disappear. Once the flames were gone I looked around at the damaged room.

How am I going to fix this? How did I even do this? There was photo frames laying everywhere around the room. The coffee table was snapped in half. The lounge room window was broken and the floor boards were burnt.

I knew that I had to act on instinct, my gut feeling. So I raised both hands till they were in-line with my shoulders. I faced my palms to the sky and visualized what the room looked like before. I don't know how I did it but I heard things being picked up off the floor. I heard cracks from the floorboards that were fixing themselves and I heard the sound of glass smashing together. I also heard wood binding together, I assumed that was the coffee table.

'What the.....' Charlie thought.

'Wow!' Angela yelled in her mind.

I opened my eyes to see the living room back to the way it used to be. I looked towards Charlie and Angela. They were in even more shock than they were before. I took in a shaky breathe before sitting on the recliner across from them.

"It all started when I met the..." I flinched. Come on Bella you can do this. "Cullens.... they were not like any other human. They were..." I gulped. "different to say the least," I explained. I was stuck, I didn't know if I should tell them or not. What if they don't believe me? Of course they'll believe you after what happened today.

'How are the Cullens different. Is she saying that their not human. That's impossible! But after seeing what bells did today, I don't know what to believe is real or not. For all I know some of my work mates could be superheroes' Charlie thought. I giggled nervously at the thought.

"Bells... What do you mean by 'different'?" Charlie asked. Angela nodded wanting to know what I meant as well. I took another shaky breathe.

"That isn't my secret to tell, it's theirs" I stood up after that statement. " Come on Ange I'll take you home and we'll talk on the way to your house." I said to her. She looked at her watch.

'Shoot... it's 6 already. What does Bella want to talk about' she thought.

"I'll be back to talk to you in roughly 40 minutes. Bye dad" I said to Charlie. I walked out the door after retrieving the keys from Angela. I jumped in the new car and waited for Angela to grab her bags and jumped in my new car.

"What did you want to talk about izzy?" she asked. Izzy? I like it!

"Izzy? I love it! thanks ange!" I said she blushed and looked down. She looked back up at me expectantly.

"Ok, um... I'm not normal obviously and most likely not human," I started to explain while focusing on the road.

"I wish I could tell you what I was. But the problem is, I haven't figured that out myself yet. I'm telling you this because I know I can trust you. Promise you won't tell anyone what you've seen or heard?" I asked her nervously hoping she agrees to keep it confidential. I glanced at her with hope in my eyes. I knew if she told anyone I'd be doomed and have to hide forever.

"I promise I won't tell anyone not even my mum. Please keep me informed, I'll help you find out what you are." she said with hope. I could feel her gaze on my cheek. I was debating if I should drag her any further into what HE called the 'supernatural world'. I considered seeing if I could erase her memory of today's events with my new found powers. But I quickly dismissed the thought. After all I need some one to talk to about these problems, some one trust worthy like Ange.

"Sure, you can help me. But if it get's to dangerous I will have to do something." I warned her.

"What do you mean by 'do something'?" she asked suspiciously. I could feel her curious gaze on my face. I glanced at her and saw she was analysing my facial expressions, which had changed to caution and worry. I quickly replaced my expression to a small smile to not look suspicious.

"Um.... don't worry about it..." I said focusing extra hard on the road. Which was pointless as I had stopped at a red light. I looked at the pedestrians crossing the road. They were staring at my car, Talking and pointing with admiration in their eyes and expressions. I looked at Angela she was raising her eyebrows with her arms crossed. I sighed.

"Erase your memory" I muttered.

"What?" she asked leaning in to hear better. I glanced at the red light before turning back to look at her.

"Erase your memory" I repeated louder this time. I step on the accelerator when I saw the light turn green, refusing to look at her face.

"You would do what? How do you know you could do that?" she asked in surprise.

"I would if it came to your safety. I don't know what I can do yet but I will try. I will experiment tomorrow and Monday afternoon possibly Monday morning too." I said. I parked in front of her house. I could see her family having dinner through the window.

"I want to help!" she pleaded.

"Ange you know what I said about safety. I could accidentally kill you whilst using unknown powers. I can't risk your life, you have people to live for. " I said to her in a serious tone. When I saw the pleading look on her face I sighed in annoyance. Why does she have to make this any harder?

"At school I will tell you everything that happened. I promise... I may even demonstrate some to you after school that's if I find anymore" I said in a tone that ends the subject.

"Okay, that's the best I'm going to get. So see you on Monday Izzy" she replied using my nickname. She grabbed her bags and started to exit my new car.

"Bye Ange. Be safe, if you need anything I'm a phone call away." I said all seriousness left my face only to be replaced by a wide smile.

"Bye Iz"She said shutting the door and walking to her front door. I started driving home knowing I'd have to explain today's events to Charlie next.

Here we go again.....


Hey guys hope you enjoy this chappie it's nice to know your opinions on the book so vote and comment please! If you have any ideas or suggestions message me and I'll consider putting them in my book! Love you my readers!


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