Chapter 2

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"Omygosh, you're Celia Rose you won that dancing show!" Mathew Espinosa says to me. My jaw drops at the fact that he knows who I am!

"Um, Oh yeah that's me." I say. I'm still in shock.

"Not that I watch it or anything, um I just saw stuff online..." Mathew says. I can tell his lying, his not very good at it. Its either that or he just naturally looks constipated, in that case he is much cuter through my phone screen.

"Ha, yeah right the only thing you've been talking about for the past week is, how pretty the girl who won on the dancing show is." Carter says. I start to blush I couldn't help it.

"Carter, shut up!" Mathew said. "Anyway my name is Matt." he said to me.

"Yeah I know I've seen like all your vines!" I say. he seems shocked by this. "And this is my friend Molly she is a ballerina at ABT." I tell them to try to get the awkward attention off of me.

"Hi" she says. She's basically totally lost in girl world right now staring at carter. Carter does seem to be smiling at her though too.

"Um, but can I also get a picture with you?" Matt asks me. My jaw dropped I never thought in a million years Mathew Espinosa would want a picture with me!

"Yeah sure, no problem!" I say almost a little too happy.

"Great!" He says. He then pulled out his phone and handed it to carter. Carter took a few pictures then handed Matt his phone back. "Thanks carter." Matt told him. Then right before we said bye to both boys I did something I had never done before.

"Hey Matt, could I have your phone number?" I asked. He looked at me in complete shock.

"Yes of course you can!" he said. He sounded very happy. We then quickly exchanged phone numbers, then we finally said our good byes.

I turned to Molly and sighed. I knew I probaly had a dreamy look in my eyes, but I think she did too.

"So Ce wanna hit one more store?" She said finally breaking the silence.

"Actaully I just kind of wanna go home and relax." I said. The truth was I wanted to text Matt.

"Yeah, me too I'm tired." Molly yawned.

"Let's go home now." I agreed. We headed out to the parking lot together, in silence. We were both daydreaming its a miracle we survived through that parking lot.

"Bye Ce!" Molly waved. I waved back at her. I then got into my car and screamed, Matt Espinosa knows who I am! I had a complete fan girl moment. It was my time of weakness, I just wanted to get home and text Matt.

Authors Note:

Thanks for reading, anyone who did! I really appreciate it! Let me know if you like my story or nah😂😂😂😂

Write ya later✏


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