The mom moved forward and hugged Daya tightly, making her surprised but hugged back, comforting her, " Thank you, Zendaya! you helped my little girl!"

" yes thank you, you just saved us from a lot of heart break." the man added, smiling, as his wife pulled away from Daya.

" your welcome, Sir, Ma'm, I was happy to help, and Cameron is like a little sister to me, I had to be on her case." Daya replied, smiling, " don't worry I won't let anyone take it form me, she as on now is my patient."

" thank you." the mom, nodded, smiling as they sat next to Cameron, smiling happily she was fine, patting her head slowly, as she slept, peacefully.

Daya nodded back, smiling and picked up the chart, walking out the door, to leave the family alone, the others moved out of her way quickly, looking at her with wide eyes and shock,

" Anne! Rebecca!" Daya exclaimed to the nurses, smiling happily, " whats up ladies!?" she asked, placing the chart down, next to her as she leaned on the reception desk of the ward a bit.

" Ohh you know, trying to get people to stop trying to have sex in their rooms." Rebecca said, casually.

" Ohh is it, Mrs Smith and her husband?" Daya asked with a knowing look, grinning and sipped the coffee, Anne handed her.

" yep." Anne nodded laughing, " you've only been her for an hour and you know all the gossip."

Data laughed with her, " its easy, the first years talk so much and loudly as well." she shrugged.

" Yeah about that..." Rebecca said slowly and gave her a small shy smile, " your getting some firs years, they have been directed to you as a teacher today seeing as the other one is out."

Daya looked at her with disbelief, " Bec, I can't work with first years! no offence to them but they just don't listen!" she quietly exclaimed.

The two nurse looked at her, with understanding and apologetic looks, " well here they come." Anne said quickly, making Daya groan and turned as the first years got to her.

" Um.. Doctor Efron, good morning!" One of them greeted awkwardly, tying to make a good impression and suck up.

" Efron!?" The cast turned to Zac wide eyed, who chuckled nervously.

"I have five rules. Memorize them." Daya begun, with a unimpressed face, hey she did like that she was a teacher but she was going to push them to make the the best they would be, they all nodded and pulled out their little note pad,

"Rule number one: Don't bother sucking up. I already hate you. That's not gonna change. Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run! That's rule number two." she told them firmly, sipping at her coffee, as Anne and Rebecca, chuckled quietly behind her, knowing Daya was putting on an act, as the others stared at her, in surprise.

" Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and don't complain! On-call rooms.  hog them. Sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying." she continued to them, as they all nodded and wrote as fast as they could, as she looked casual, sipping her coffee.

" Rule number four: The dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?" she finished, as she narrowed her eyes at them.

One of them raised their hand, making her sigh and looked at him, " What freckles?" she asked, dryly, Anne, Bec and some other nurses held back laughs from behind her.

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