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No One's Pov:

Kate nodded, " we did look at you two like you were crazy." she confessed to them, still holding Daya's hand, " but we also understand." she smiled at them, who looked at her confused,

" John and i weren't approved off! oh god no! his parents hated me, and my him, both of us to marry another, but one night, we snuck off, got married in secret, didn't tell the family until the time came for us to marry the others, though surprisingly enough the two of them, wanted to be together as well." she explained to them, grinning.

" You two have a amazing love story." Daya giggled at them, smiling happily, " Thank you for cheering me up, G-Ma."

" your very welcome!" Kate chuckled at her, " But you two have a great story as well, its a story of love at first sight, something that doesn't happen a lot, thats what makes you two very special."

" So how come you two told Kate and John?" Darnell asked, confused, " i mean why tell only two members go the family?"

Zac smiled, " you need witnesses to get married, they where the only people Daya and i thought of when we decided to get married, they just where so supportive of us that we agreed for it to be them... sorry guys..." he said to them, shyly.

Zink chuckled at him, " Its fine Zac, Darnell and i probably wouldn't have understood like they did, you went with a safe choice."

" but you approve of us now right?" Daya asked Zink and Darnell, worried that they didn't.

Darnell nodded at her, grinning, " Of Course we do, Daya, you and Zac are a great couple and his perfect for you."

" Good..." Daya breathed out in relief, " i need my two best friends."

" and we will away need and be there for you, Daya." Zink assured Daya, grinning, who Grinned back at her.

" well... " Zac begun and picked up his phone, seeing as it was ringing, the face time sound coming out of it loudly, " Dylan..." he sighed, Daya looked up at him, from where she leaned against him.

" His at your home right? pick up Zac, his your baby brother." Daya encouraged him, smiling.

Zac groaned and nodded, answering the call, " Hey little bro!" he exclaimed happily into the phone, Kate and John rolled their eyes and talked quietly to Zink and Darnell, who looked really interested in what they were saying.

" Big bro!" Dylan answered him, thought the phone, grinning, but frowned a bit, tilting his head and squinted at the screen, " tell me you are not where i think you are and that you ar not hurt as you look."

Zac let out a nervous chuckle, " So, long story." He begun to Dylan, smiling slightly.

" Zac!! Oh my god! which fucking hospital are you at and why wasn't any of us told!" he exclaimed panicked, rambling on.

" Dylan." Zac spoke up, rolling his eyes at his baby brother, who wasn't even listening, " Dylan!" Zac said louder but nothing..." Dylan! " Zac exclaimed to him, getting Dylan to stop talking as he started to cough from exclaiming to Dylan, making him drop the phone onto the bed in front of him.

Daya quickly got off Zac, gesturing to a worried Kate and John to sit back down, before getting of the bed and grabbed him tissues and a plastic tray, rubbing and patting his back and held the issues for him, so he could grab,

" Are you alright?" Daya asked him, worried, as the took the now black cover tissues and placed thin in the plastic tray, grabbing some water and hand it to him, as he stopped coughing, before heading over to the bin and chucked out the tissues, placing the tray in the sink, before heading back to him.

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