Chapter 26 (Going Out)

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You listened to the fan whir, staring at the back of your eyelids. You had a good night's sleep, but you were still tired. You hadn't yet opened your eyes, so you didn't even know if it was morning. Mangle wasn't on your chest tonight-instead, she thought the carpet was comfy enough to sleep on. You turned your head and peeked your eyes open, only to see something staring back at you.

"Pay your bills," they quickly demanded-you could tell by the voice that it was Toy Freddy.

"Woah!" you yelped as you darted up, waking the others up. "How long have you been there?"

"All night. Pay your bills," he replied monotonously.

"What happened?" Mangle yawned as she climbed onto the bed.

"Excuse me, only I can watch her while she sleeps," Toy Bonnie butted in.

"Nobody gets to watch me while I sleep, that's creepy. Why, though! Why were you watching me?" you wondered.

"To make sure you paid your bills. I like this place, and I don't want to have to move again. Now, go pay your bills," Toy Freddy replied.

"Gee-whiz." You sighed. "At least let me go to the bathroom first."

"Then pay your bills," Toy Freddy insisted.

"Okay! I get it," you groaned, tossing the covers off yourself.


You glanced over at your alarm clock as you pushed yourself out of bed. "Six o'clock! It's too early," you whined as you rubbed your eyes.

"It's never too early to do what needs to be done," Toy Freddy added as you snatched your phone off the dresser.

" 'It's never too early to do what needs to be done,' " you mocked him as you walked out of the room.

"Very mature!" Toy Freddy called after you.

You reached for the washcloth, your eyes closed as you tried to avoid getting water in your eyes. You dried off your face, and some hair that got wet. You quickly checked your breath, making sure it didn't reek as much as it did when you first woke up. You flicked off the lights as you opened the door.

"Pay your bills," Toy Freddy greeted you rather grumpily.

"Screw off, Toy Freddy," you growled.

"Language!" Toy Bonnie barked from the living room.

Toy Freddy followed close behind you as you walked down the hall. His glare bored into the back of your head. You looked back to scorn at him. As you passed the archway, out of the corner of your eye, you saw Toy Bonnie jump at you from the arm chair. You caught him instinctively, and let out a sigh of relief.

"What do you have to do first?" Mangle wondered.

"I have to text the landlord," you murmured a reply as you plopped on the couch beside her, Toy Chica, and Balloon Boy.

You set Toy Bonnie in your lap as you grabbed your phone from your pocket. Toy Freddy climbed onto the couch on the other side of you as you unlocked your phone. You opened the messaging app and pulled up yours and the landlord's conversations. You quickly looked over the last messages, and thought out a reply. You mumbled your reply as you typed it out, and then when you were done, you sent it.

I'm back. Sorry I didn't tell you anything about where I went, I was really busy, and I had forgotten. It wasn't really planned, so there was no way to warn you beforehand. I'm currently starting on catching up on the payments.

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