Chapter 21 (Small Bodies)

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You yawned as you rolled over, pulling Toy Bonnie with you. The bright light from behind the curtains, seeped through your eyelids, and made you squint. You opened your eyes, and looked down to see if Toy Bonnie was awake; you couldn't tell, since his plushie body always had its eyes open. You sighed as you carefully slid out of bed, setting Toy Bonnie against the pillow.

"Where are you going?" Toy Bonnie asked, and you jumped.

"I'm going to the bathroom," you whispered.

"Don't be long," he mumbled, and you raised an eyebrow.

"I won't," you replied.

You gave him a peck on the forehead, and he giggled. You grinned as you shuffled backwards, watching for Toy Bonnie to do something cute. As you turned around, you kicked something, stubbing your toe.

"Aah! Son of a- motherless goat," you hissed as you grabbed your foot.

"Are you okay?" you heard Mangle worry, and you looked back to see her and Toy Chica looking back at you; you saw Toy Freddy and Balloon Boy stand up out of the corner of your eye.

"I thought I told you guys to pick up your shit!" you growled as you set your foot down.

"Hmph, I'll let this one slide," Toy Bonnie muttered, gesturing to your use of profanity.

"Look," you started as you rubbed your toe on the carpet, "I'm gonna go take a shower, and by the time I get out, you better have all this picked up."

"Okay," Toy Chica replied.

You mumbled an "okay," and moved over to the dresser. You quickly grabbed a black, long-sleeved shirt and black jeans, as well as underwear. You walked to the bathroom door, and stopped to look over at the rest. They quickly looked away from you and started towards the stuff on the floor. You nodded as you opened the door.

You shook the knots out of your hair as you stepped out of the bathroom. You decided to let your hair air dry, so you had to wait to brush it. You shuffled towards the desk, the rest had successfully cleaned up, so you were happy. You stopped in the middle of the room, not seeing the rest. You looked around, to see them standing behind you. You nodded as you started towards the desk again. You turned around to sit in the chair, and saw the rest standing by your feet.

"Why are you following me?" you wondered as you sat down.

"We're bored," Toy Chica replied.

"Why don't you go play with your toys?" you suggested.

"We're bored of them," Toy Freddy mentioned.

"What? I just got you those yesterday," you objected.

"Yeah. We've already played with them," Toy Bonnie mumbled.

You sighed as you leaned back in your chair. You looked over, and your eyes scanned across your 3DS. You didn't have anything better to do, so you grabbed it and turned it on. You felt someone crawl up your leg, and saw Toy Bonnie climb into your lap.

"What are you playing?" Mangle wondered from behind you, and you looked up to see her sitting on the back of your chair.

"Right now, nothing. I'm about to play Animal Crossing," you mentioned as Balloon Boy jumped up on the back of the chair, on the other side of you.

"What's it about?" Toy Bonnie wondered as he climbed up onto your chest to see the screen; you huffed, having to rest your chin on his head.

"Basically, you move into this town, and they mistaken you for their mayor. You have to keep the town clean, and you get to build things," you explained as Toy Freddy and Toy Chica sat on your shoulders.

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