Chapter 6 (Feelings)

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"You saw what I did with the others, so you know what I'm doing," you told Toy Bonnie.

"Mhm," he hummed.

You shook your head and kneeled down to his feet. You wiped the top of his feet off, and Toy Bonnie huffed. You started to wipe between his toes and he quickly lifted his foot.

"Hey! That tickles!" he pouted.

"Well, sorry. Give me your foot back," you demanded.

He groaned as he slowly set his foot down. You finished his feet, almost literally getting a kick out of him. You wiped his calves, causing him to flinch. You paused and looked up at him; his eyes zoomed in to look at your unamused expression. He chuckled, and you rolled your eyes. You finished his calves and started on his thighs, making sure to get the insides of them. As soon as you were done with his legs, you wiped off his tummy, and he chuckled. You wiped down his side, and he flinched.

"Woah! Careful where you put your hands there!" he barked as his ears fell back.

"Seriously," you muttered.

You quickly wiped his other side, before walking around him and wiping off his back. His ears perked up as you wiped his upper back. You walked back in front of him, and started on his upper half. You wiped off the dried up pizza sauce that was smeared onto him. You tried to be as gentle as you could, as you attempted to scrub it off. Toy Bonnie zoomed in to look closer at your concentrated face. His ears slowly fell to his sides as his eyes glowed a light pink. You looked up at him curiously, and met his eyes. His eyes subtly expanded to their normal sizes as he looked away, realizing that you were watching him.

When you got the sauce off him, you decided to clean the washcloth. You turned around and did so, ringing it out afterwards. You turned back to Toy Bonnie, and he lifted his arm for you to wipe. You gave his shoulder, upper arm, and lower arm, a quick wipe. You grabbed one of his hands, and pulled it to you. You wiped off his palm, and then his fingers. You let his hand go, but it remained holding yours. You looked up at Toy Bonnie, to see him gazing at you. This time, he didn't break your eye contact. He entangled his fingers between yours as his eyes focused on your face.

You looked down at your hand, and Toy Bonnie quickly let it go. He put out his other arm, and you continued to wash it. You moved the washcloth up to his face, and carefully wiped off his snout, earning a quick huff from him. You stood closer to him as you wiped off his cheeks, and the back of his head. You wiped off the top of his head, before starting on his ears. Toy Bonnie's eyes slowly started to close as you rubbed his ears, and a low grinding sound came from his mouth.

"Woah, are you okay?" you worried, pausing for a second.

"What? Yeah. That just feels good," he sighed, his eyes remaining closed.

"Huh?" you asked.

"It feels like you're giving my ear a gentle massage," he murmured.

A small smile etched its way on your face as you continued to wipe off his ears. When you were done, his ears twitched and he opened his eyes to look at you. You smiled at him and he tilted his head. You quickly set the washcloth into the bucket, and turned back to Toy Bonnie. You wiped your hands on your pants, and rolled down your sleeves. You stood on your tiptoes and tried to wrap your hands around the bottom part of his ears. You began to rub your thumbs and index fingers in circles; you didn't know how much pressure to put, as his ears were made of plastic. You felt kind of awkward, giving an animatronic an ear massage. His eyes closed and his head tilted forward, letting you stand back on your heels. You held back a giggle, and he started to purr. You moved your hands away from him, and he stopped, waiting for you to continue. He opened his eyes and looked up at you. He grunted, and you laughed.

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