Chapter 5 (Answers)

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There was an employee on the floor, whose head was locked between Mangle's jaws. There were a few people trying to unhinge Mangle's jaw to free the man. Mangle's eyes had the same glossy black look the others had; the only difference was the white of her pupils. You ran up to them to help, and a few people started to look inside the room. You looked up at one of the employees.

"I need you to get everyone out of here," you told him, and he nodded.

"Alright, everyone! There's no need to panic. I need everyone to follow me in a kindly fashion!" he explained as he stood tall in the doorway.

Another man stood up, giving you the room to kneel beside Mangle. The man on the floor started to squirm as Mangle's jaws closed tighter. You banged your fist against the side of her head, trying to snap her out of it. You continued to hit her, and the other guy stared at you in shock. Mangle's eyes went dark and she went silent, and the guy in front of you pulled Mangle's mouth open, freeing the young man. Mangle went limp and her head fell to the floor, as the others pulled the employee away from her. Blood was pouring profusely from the gash in the man's head, and his skull was caved in from the pressure.

"Can you hear me?" a guy asked as he took off his jacket and held it against his wound. "Stay with me! I need you to stay awake, kid."

You looked over at Mangle, whose eyes started to regain their color. She raised her head some and looked up at you. You squinted at her, and she looked past you.

"An ambulance is here!" someone said as they ran into the room.

One of the men carefully picked him up and started for the doorway, and you stood up. The other kept his jacket against the man's head. They left the room, leaving you and Mangle alone. You looked back at Mangle in disbelief, before running out of the room. You ran towards the front doors and looked through the glass, where people were crowding the front of the pizzeria. The man was carried into the back of an ambulance, that was in the parking lot. They quickly closed the doors and raced towards the hospital.

You looked back, to see the animatronics walk into the dining area. They looked at each other in bewilderment, and you squinted at them. You stomped into Kids' Cove, where Mangle was regaining her composure.

"What the hell was that?" you barked.

"It wasn't me-"

"It wasn't you? That guys skull was crushed, between your jaws. You can not tell me that this wasn't your fault!" you bellowed.

"Woah, what's going on?" Toy Bonnie wondered as he stepped into the room, the rest watched from the doorway.

"And you guys! Whatever happened to keeping your customers safe! Huh? A man was almost killed, and you guys just stood like some statues!" you growled.

"Darling, please let me explain," Mangle pleaded.

"Don't call me 'darling.' And I don't want to hear it!" you hissed.

"That guy was trying to kidnap a kid," she blurted.

"Really?" you snapped.

"Well, I thought he was. He kneeled down to the girl and grabbed her hand," Mangle tried to explain herself.

"So you bit him!?" you argued.

"I wasn't going to bite him, but something took over me and made me do it."

"(Y/N), you have to understand that, what she did wasn't her fault. Nothing that we do is our fault," Toy Chica tried to defend her.

"Are you guys really trying to convince me that you all aren't monsters?" you ranted, and the animatronics winced at your hurtful words.

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