The others looked at him wide eyed, " You mean their out there knocking on my old room door?!" Daya whispered/ exclaimed back, " Oh my god! "

" what the fuck do we do?" Dylan whispered/asked, as the knocking got harder and louder.

" Zac and Dylan Efron you get you arses out here right now!" Davids booming voice came from the other side of the door.

Dylan and Zac looked at each other, then to the door, " they know where in here, what do we do?" Dylan asked quietly and panicked.

Zac took a deep breath in, " The only thing we can do." he answered, " we face them, they only get more mad if we don't." he continued and turned to his grandparents, "you keep Daya, Zink and Darnell behind you guys, and leave when i tell you two, take Dylan if you can." he demanded, taking charge of the situation, they looked at him unsure but nodded, " Okay." he nodded to them and went to move to the door, but Daya grabbed his hand and stood up, moving in front of him.

" Your not doing this alone." Daya told him, stubbornly.

Zac shook his head, " Daya I'm fine, i know what I'm doing, you just follow my grandparents and the others, I'm putting you in charge of Dylan while in with our parents." he told her, kissed her hand and marriage finger, " we will be fine... nothing is going to split us apart." he assured her.

Daya looked into his eyes, placing a hand on his cheek, " Come back to me or i leave with you." she told him, firmly.

" for better or for worst" Zac begun to her, smiling,

" in sickness and in health." Daya nodded to him smiling back.

" till death do us apart." they said together.

Daya sighed and nodded, " okay, ill leave with you grandparents and ill take Dylan with me" she agreed and kissed him, " I love you."

Zac smiled and kissed her forehead, " And i love you too." he nodded to her, before letting go of her hand, Daya made her way quickly to her jewellery box and pulled out two rings, putting them on her marriage finger, Zac grinned at her, as clutched her hand to her chest, holding them protective to her, just as he opened the door.

" he nodded to her, before letting go of her hand, Daya made her way quickly to her jewellery box and pulled out two rings, putting them on her marriage finger, Zac grinned at her, as clutched her hand to her chest, holding them protective to her,...

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Kate and John stood in front of the 4, who looked at each other, fearfully Dylan placed a comforting hand on Daya shoulder, as they watched from behind the grandparents.

" Zachary David Alexander Efron!! how dare you leave your mother and i waiting!" David screamed at Zac, making everyone flinch at him, even Starla did a bit, but hide it.

" Mother, Father, i apologies for the wait." Zac said to them, politely, standing strong in front of them.

David glared at him, before seeing the others over his shoulder, eyes going straight to Daya's, making her breath hitch in fear, clutching her left hand more tightly, as Dylan gripped her shoulder to let her know it will be fine, " You should me ashamed of yourself!" he screamed at Zac, " hanging out with filth like her, she's a whore Zac! thats all she is! nothing but dirt bellow us."

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