She looked way better now that she had slept, but if you did look at her close enough you could tell she was skinnier then she usually was, making her shake her head at herself, not liking what she saw, Zac came up behind her and hugged her, tilting her head up to look back into the mirror, as Zac smiled at her lovingly.

" I did this to myself... i held back from eating, or drinking, not hungry but i knew i should have eaten and when it came to the time when i finally gave in, it was to late, i couldn't hold it down" She shook her head, angrily at herself, " God I'm better than this! how could i let myself get this bad! especially when i know you, would have hated it!" she glared at her reflection.

" Your right you do know better." Zac nodded to her, making her look at him almost heart broken, " But like you read, you just weren't hungry, Daya you where terrified, your own hungry was the last thing on your mind, as you watched someone you loved just lie there, yes you did know better but that was overclouded by fear, worry and heart break and no i wouldn't of hated it, because i could never hate you, i might have been disappointed but getting you back to how you where, is my main focus."

Zac saw that Daya still looked at herself disgusted and sighed, knowing it wasn't juts the eating and drinking factor getting to her, he touched a scar she had on the back of her shoulder, making her flinch a bit, but relax knowing it was just him, " tell me about it." he told her, knowing she needed to get it out.

" I had cramps, really bad ones..." Daya begun, quietly so no one outside could hear, taking a deep breath in, as Zac continued to play with the scar, running his finger along it, " i said no, no to going out that day, because i was in pain, well bad idea... he grabbed his belt and whipped it down onto my shoulder, hard, then suddenly my cramps became nothing..."

Zac looked at her in the mirror and kissed it, softly and slowly, making her breath hitch, as she watched him, his arms still wrapped around her, tightly, " all your scars, has a story Daya, a story only you will remember, but it made you who you are today, it made you into someone who doesn't take shit from anyone, sticks up for those who can't themselves, and is a role model to kids, teens and adults all around the world, don't be ashamed of them, embrace them and let those you hurt you see that your someone they should have not messed with, show them the Daya i know, who would tell them to go fuck themselves and walk off like the boss she is."

He told her, softly, yet somewhat firmly, as she looked at him, though the mirror, tearing up, feeling empowered and grateful for him, and nodded, " Thank you for showing me back to who i am, not someone who i don't want to become, and for loving me unconditionally."

" I will always be here for you and love you, Daya." he said to her, lovingly and kissed her forehead.

" and i, you, i love you, Zac Efron, always remember that." She replied to him, smiling lovingly and turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, staring into his bright blue eyes, before kissing him, sweetly and slowly, as the two of them took in the moment together, letting their love for each other fill them up and show a bit in the kiss, " come on... you need to sit down..." she said to him, slowly, as they pulled away, breathless.

Daya grabbed Zac's hand and pulled him out of the bathroom, and to the bed, getting him to lie down gently, " Oh I'm fine woman!" Zac groaned at her and stopped her from fussing over him, " i don't need to lie down!."

" Tell me about it..." John huffed and crossed his arms, as Kate was trying to get him to to sit in the chair next to Zac's side of the bed, " I don't need to sit down!" he told her, as she pushed him down on the chair gently.

" Ha! yeah okay..." Both Kate and Daya said, rolling their eyes at their partners, before Daya sat on the bed and Kate sat on the chair next to John.

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