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LaVar Tina mom and dad had forced ALL of us to sit together for some quality family time or whatever. Including Melo and I. I didn't hate him but I just didn't wanna be around him right now. It's been a few days only since we broke up. But everyone knew.

"Gelo just put on a channel." LaVar Said getting annoyed.

"Okay." Gelo Said and continued to flip through channels.

"Okay Seriously next channel you stop at." Dad Said and Gelo stopped on TMZ.

"Oh look there's you Mila.....and Melo." Gelo Said speaking softer.

"18 year old Basketball player LaMelo Ball and 18 year old model Mila Diamond have called it quits! Sources say LaMelo was being unfaithful sources also say Mila is starting to see some mystery dude when she was spotted out in Beverly Hills with a handsome boy who couldn't be seen which has cause the LaMila shippers to stir up quite a lot of riot on twitter and Instagram when they found out that the two love birds-

"Change the channel." Zo said smacking Gelo upside the head and Gelo frantically changed the channel.

"Unbelievable." Dad and lavar said.

"Why do they act like they know everything when they don't?" I asked.

"It's their job to start drama honey welcome to Hollywood." Mom smiled sympathetically.

"The only funny thing about this is that that's mike." I pointed out making the boys laugh.

"Your hair look ugly."Melo told mike who flicked him off. I wasn't paying attention to anyone I was too focused on my phone. Until it was snatched out of my hand by Zo

"Who are you texting?" Zo asked and I didn't even bother trying to retrieve my phone.

"It's instagram. Dumbass." I whispered the last part.

"You're mean." Zo said. "And disrespectful."

He took pictures on my phone when it started ringing.

"It's Liane." He tossed me my phone

"Finally!" I Said and answered walking to the backyard.

"Where we going?!" Mena asked.

"Italy!" I called and The girls gasped.

L: so it's another shoot and it'll be in Italy and the jet is set for the date isn't decided yet

M:okay thanks.

After the call I went back to the living room.


The guys and I were outside with mike and purpp was also with us.

"Wait do you guys broke up?" Purpp asked and I nodded. "So does this mean that she's-

"That's not funny." I Said.

"I'm kidding obviously but why man? You guys were so cute and you two were supposed to get married and have cute babies." Purpp said and I smiled slightly.

"I know I don't know it's probably not meant to be no matter how much that hurts."  I shrugged.

"You can't fight fate." Mena Said we needed a girls perspective on this whole situation Mariam was busy with college Denise is moody asf and Izzy is with Mila.

"Okay look girls are complicated BUT we're also simple that's why we're complicated because we're complicated yet simple at the same time-

"What?" Us Guys asked.

"Okay so basically it's not secret that you guys still love eachother I see the way you two look at eachother we ALL see the way you two look at eachother. Honestly not to be mean but...you're the one who suggested you guys break up and she- nevermind." Mena cut herself off.

"Wait go on." I Said she shook her head no.

"I can't she told us girls not to say ANYTHING. But honestly you and Mila are meant to be maybe not now but I put it on god you guys will get back together and I believe it'll be in...6 months?" She spoke.

"Are you a psychic or something?" Don chuckled.

"No but I'm just guessing." She shrugged.

"Mena did you take my shirt?" Mila asked coming into the backyard her eyes on her phone.

"Which one?" Mena asked.

"My red cropped cami top I need it." Mila Said and looked up and gasped. "That one!"

"This?" Mena asked playing dumb.

"Yeah you biotch give me my shirt." Mila Said.

"No I'm wearing it-

"I need it-

"For what?!"

"To wear dumbass! Now give me my shirt." Mila scolded.


"Why are you even going into my closet in the first place?" Mila asked.

"Stop being selfish." Mena Said.

"Selfish-MOM!" Mila yelled making us guys chuckle.

" SHUTUP!" Mariam called.


"MENA SHUT UP." Mariam yelled.

"You know you could've just asked to borrow it now I have to pick out a new outfit." Mila Said.

"Damn no hi." Will shook his head.

"Hi will." She smiled. "Ima go now." She walked off then walked back.

"Oh and Mena keep the shirt it looks nice on you but next time you take my clothes without asking ima push you into the pool from the roof." She smiled and walked off.

"She's crazy why'd you date her?" Mena asked me.

"Cause she's funny she's adorable she's sweet she's caring she's generous she's honest she's beautiful she's-" I cut myself off when I noticed the guys and Mena smirking at me. "And I fucked up by letting her go...but it's for the best."

"You're unbelievable." Gelo shook his head.


"Why don't we hook you up?" Denise asked me.

"I don't think I can move on. Or see other people just yet." I Said.

"Why? He's a jerk for breaking up with you when that's not what you wanted that's not what you were gonna suggest so you shouldn't care since he doesn't." Denise said.

"I guess but I don't wanna be set up for a blind date it'll happen when it happens you feel me?" I asked and they nodded.

"Yeah we understand where you're coming from." Izzy smiled.

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