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Turns out we really were going to Hawaii. All of us were there except mom and dad mom stayed cause she's due any day now and she didn't wanna fly and dad stayed to look after her Mariam and Mena didn't come cause they have college so it was just Mike and I.

"This is so cute." Denise said as we looked at the rooms the beds had our names on it Denise and Lonzo Gelo and Izzy and Melo and I. The girls and I were taking pictures while Melo was laying on a hammock.

"Y'all ugly!" He said the girls and I laughed.

"Hey!" Denise called

" this will be so much fun." Izzy smiled.


" what do you think about the trip?"

"Honestly I think it's great cause with the boys schedule we don't really get much time with them." I Said.

"And you get to spend more time with Melo."

"Yeah." I smiled shyly.


The girls and I were exploring the huge house we were staying in.

"I kinda wish us girls shared a room." Izzy Said and I nodded along with Denise.

"So what happened with you and Zo in the airport?" I asked.

"Some fan posted this picture of her sitting in his lap and I asked him about it and he's thinking I'm being dramatic." She said showing us the photo.

" Maybe it's just a misunderstanding if you look at the picture she's not even really on his lap." Kahlia Said.

"Yeah She is." Denise Said.

"Come on Denise don't let this ruin your bae-cation." I Said.

"Yeah you're right." She said.

We walked out to where the boys were who were getting ready to go somewhere.

"Hey guys where you guys going?" Kahlia asked.

" We're off to shoot some hoops." Lonzo Said.

"Wait what-

"We'll be back soon babe." Lonzo said giving Denise a kiss on the cheek and walking off. Gelo hugged Izzy.

"Lonzo this is a-

"We won't be long." Zo Said.

I gave Denise a small smile which she returned I know she was really looking forward to spending time with him.

" I'll see you later babe?" Melo smiled holding my waist. I nodded.

"Yeah have fun." I smiled he leaned down and kissed me sweetly.

"I will bye." He said winking at me I smiled and waved bye to him.

The girls and I decided to go work out. Denise was taking her stress out on a punching bag or at least she was trying. She was going on about her and Lonzo I felt bad.

" Like this is a bae-cation and like he doesn't ever try to understand where I'm coming from he's just like oh you're being dramatic and brushes me off." Denise said.

"He loves you." I Said while doing curl ups, and she knew it was true. "Like I don't blame you for being upset I'd be too if it was Melo but this is supposed to be a fun vacation for you."

" I know." She said. "How are you so skinny yet you always eat?"

I was now eating a bag of hot Cheetos.

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