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We were finally in China after a long ass flight. I missed my babygirl I really wish I could dm her or something but my phone didn't work here other than for pictures and dad didn't wanna do all that extra stuff for my phone for 10 days. So dad and moms phone is the only working phone and Alan's basically the adults.

I was sitting and walking around with dad exploring the hotel when he got a call. He walked off as I continued exploring they had a hot tub on the roof! I really wanted to text or call Mila. Or have Gelo to talk to.

"Gelos been detained." Alan whispered to my dad. I heard but I was too shocked to say anything.

Dad explained everything he knew and I knew it was upsetting mom. We were all really worried especially since we didn't know too much yet. All we knew is why and where he was right now.

" he'll be fine mom." I said to my mother as I comforted her. She gave me a small smile. I was telling myself more than I was telling her.


I was with Denise and my sisters we were sitting in my room when Lonzo called I answered confused.

M: hey zo what's up?

Z: have you heard about Gelo?

M: what? No what happened?

Z: he's been detained Mila.

M: what?! Is he safe? What happened?

Z: he's been detained with two other UCLA students for shoplifting.

M: I-w- is he safe?

Z: He'll be fine Mila don't worry I just thought you should know I'll be over soon.

M: okay.

I hung up and the girls patted my back knowing I was bothered by something.

"What's wrong honey?" Mariam asked.

"Gelos been detained." I Said they gasped. I felt like crying that was my brother my life line and not knowing if he'd be okay was killing me. I wanted to call LaVar or Tina but I didn't wanna bother them I knew this was just as hard for them.

" he'll be okay Mila we got a great team." Denise said I smiled and nodded she was right.


It's been a day since Gelos arrest we had to do the pop up shop. We couldn't let the fans down. We were mentally drained about not knowing what was going to go down with Gelo we get to go to his hotel and see him tomorrow. Right now I was focused on signing all this stuff and socializing with the fans.


Today we were going to meet Gelo and I knew dad was about to give him a full lecture. We got into the van and I put my headphones in and listened to some music and went through my pictures that I had with Mila. I really missed her I feel so clingy damn.

"You miss your girl?"Alan asked with a chuckle I nodded.

" Aw. She's really worried about you and Gelo zo was telling us last night." Alan said.

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