Pills n Potions

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Today grandma was coming over I had just gotten back from my photo shoot and walked outside to the backyard after grabbing a water bottle and went outside where I saw my parents and Melos parents talking to Melo. Melo looked at me in a way like he was asking for help.

"What's up?" I asked our parents looked at me.

"Oh good you're back this one isn't talking." Dad Said.

"Erik you guys have had me sitting her for 10 minutes without saying anything." Melo Said.

"You told us that you weren't gonna talk until Mila got here." LaVar rolled his eyes o chuckled and sat down next to Melo with my water bottle.

"So well I found these in your room and we were just concerned." Mom said holding out the morning after pills. I chocked on my water and coughed.

"First of all what were you doing in my room?" I asked.

"Cleaning But that's besides the point." Mom said Melo and I looked at eachother and then shifted in our seats uncomfortably.

"I can explain." I Said.

"Well go on then." Dad Said.

"Soooo basically a morning after pill is for-

"we know what it's for hon." Tina chuckled.

"Well then what do y'all want from us?" Melo asked.

"We were just wondering why you had them." Mom said.

"Are you guys...you know active?" Mom asked.

"Well not anymore." Melo scoffed I nudged him and gave him a look. "It's true." He muttered.

"Well yeah but-

"Mila do you know what could happen if you guys keep having sex?" Dad asked. This was such an uncomfortable talk.

"Yeah we know but it was one time that I didn't have protection so just to be safe we got the pills." Melo explained.

" well it's not that we don't trust you guys it's just we gotta set ground rules." LaVar Said and everyone nodded.

"No closed doors." They all said in unison.

"How's that fair Zo and Denise and Gelo and Izzy all-

"They're being safe though." Tina cut off Melo.

"So are we." Melo and I Said.

"No closed doors." Dad Said.

"When you guys go on dates you have to be back by 9-

"Bruh." Melo rolled his eyes.

"Melo I got pregnant with Mariam when I was 17 and honestly it kinda made it hard to model I basically had to quit modeling to support her-

"Mom With all due respect Melo and I aren't you we're responsible plus you don't have to be worried we're responsible and we're safe." I Said.

"We know honey you two are a mature couple but sometimes your boyfriend doesn't think." LaVar Said.

"I mean true-

"Mila." Melo gasped.

"But if it makes you guys feel better we won't leave the door closed any more-

"Thank you-

"Y'all didn't let me finish. We won't leave the door closed IF y'all don't give us a curfew." I Said they looked at eachother and muttered.

"Fine." They Said.

"Yes!" Melo and I high fived.

"Wait we're the parents Mila has curfew which is 10. End of discussion-

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