" not long." I laughed at her and her clumsiness, as she dropped some, thankfully, plastic plates, as she looked though a cupboard.

" I see now why, Mr Efron, didn't want you in the kitchen..." a older woman walked in and chuckled at Daya, helping her put the stuff back and grabbed out a cake pan, " was this what you where looking for?"

Daya giggled and took it from her, " Sorry Mrs Potts, i just don't know where anything is in here, ill get better over time." she promised the older woman, now know as Mrs Potts, smiling, and moved to the bench, buttering the cake pan, before pouring the mixture into it.

" I know, Dear, but you'll get use to it soon enough." Mrs Potts smiled warmly at Daya, grabbing the stuff of her gently, and placed the cake pan in the oven, setting a timer on it, " Now go on, ill wash up." 

" Ohh no! Mrs Potts i can to that!" Daya rushed to her, and quickly moved over to the sink, where she was standing, to try and take over.

Mrs Potts laughed, "Its my job Dear, go and spend time with your family." She shooed Daya away.

" are you sure? i can do it, i made the mess." Daya asked her, looking like she felt bad.

" Yes dear, now go before i call Paul in here to carry you out." Mrs Potts told her, chuckling.

" you called?" a man walked in, the one from the front.

" Pauly!" Daya walked up to him and punched his shoulders a bit, before pulling her hand back and shook it, wincing a but, " Whats up man?!" she asked him, happily.

Paul looked at her and chuckled, " I see Zac was right about you, you are quite playful and happy all the time aren't you?" he asked her.

" i am when you don't get on my bad side." Daya asked him, nudging him a bit, making him laugh at her, " is there any area in here I'm not allowed to go in?" she asked him, curious.

Paul shook his head, " you have access to all areas in this penthouse."

Daya beamed, " Awesome! imma go and explore!" she saluted him and begun to walk off, before pausing and turned back, " Hey i was meant to help Mrs Potts! you two planned this!" she pointed to Paul and Mrs Potts, who laughed at her and nodded, " Im gonna go and tell Zac!" Daya pouted at them and crossed her arms.

" Ohh let me know if he wants lunch!" Mrs Potts grinned at her.

Daya scoffed, " His eating lunch whether he likes it or not." she said to them firmly, " Ohh and this is my family." she introduced us all, as we smiled and greeted them, who greeted us back, " Okay where ever this hallway leads me!" Daya said pointed to a hallway, before putting down her hand and walked towards it.

We all chuckled at her and followed as she walked down the hall, peaking her head into rooms, as she did, before getting to large double door's, she gently push it opened and poked her head in, "Ohh! Hey Boo! So this is where the library is!" Daya exclaimed and walked in, quickly, the rest of us, rolled our eyes at her and followed her in, Awwing at the large and beautiful library around us.

" did you just wake up?" Zac asked her, amused, looking up from the desk he sat at, as she sat on the edge of it next to him.

" No." Daya scoffed at him, " I woke up like half an hour ago." she pointed out to him.

" Ohh im so sorry for my mistake." Zac said to her sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her, chuckling a bit and looked back at some paper work.

" Boy don't sass me." Daya told him, but kissed his cheek and got off the desk, walking over to a shiny black grand piano, and sat at it, as we all greeted Zac, who greeted us first, smiling happily, before going back to what ever he was doing and sat down on the lounge on the library, looking around it a bit, in Awe.

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