" what if i pay someone to do it for me?" Zac asked her, " i mean the satisfaction is not there but at least they got hurt."

" can get traced back to you." Daya shook her head at him, " then you will be looking at jail time and i am not going to be happy if i have to visit you in a watched over room." she slapped him on the back of the head, " now shut up and stop thinking of ways to hurt them, your just going to end up getting caught."

" is he always like this?" Zink asked Daya, amused as Zac sulked a bit, over the fact he could hurt who hurt Daya.

" his just a being big baby." Daya roller her eye's, " Zac where's my Christian Grey, or Philip Carlyle gone?" she asked him, crossing her arms.

" back with the Zac who want to beat the crap out of Trevor and his friends." Zac huffed at her, crossing his own arms.

Daya smirked at him, " you stop sulking and help me answer any questions these two have and ill let you do anything you want with me." she suggested to him, seductively, making Zink and i look at each other wide eyed, " anything at all." she continued and ran one of her nails down it cheek, lifting his head up to her, " if you want me, I'm all yours..."

Zac eyed her for a bit, as she gave him a seductive smile and nodded, " okay what question do we nee to answer." He turned to us, smiling, as Daya grinned.

" what was going on in Zac's room?" Zink asked them, looking curious, ignoring what Daya just did.

Daya looked at Zac, who nodded at her, " Zac's family owns one of the largest companied in the world, it gets passed down to each generation, meaning it was suppose to be both Zac's and Dylan's but Dylan didn't want to deal with all the meets, financial stuff and all that shit, so Zac owns everything." She explained to us, as we gapped at her.

" what was going on in Zac's room, well actually its a suite... is a meeting for one of the most important buys and offer for the company, which My King sealed the deal on." she kissed Zac's cheek.

We smiled at the two of them, they where really cute together, "so why did you have to be there?" i asked Daya, confused.

" Okay one last secret you can not tell anyone about, especially our families." Daya said to us firmly and grabbed her wallet of her bedside, " not a word to anyone or anything."

Zink and i lohend at each other, confused and curious as to what it can be, before turing back to Daya and nodded, " we promise, not a world to anyone or anything." Zink answered her.

Daya eyed us for a bit, before grabbing out her licence, making me even more lost, " you tell a word about it, and I'm sorry but i will seriously dislike you two." she warned us and gave the cars to us.

I look it off her an odd face on, before Zink and i looked down at it, reading it, before our eyes went wide and we gasped, looking up at her and Zac, " Zendaya Efron!" i exclaimed, " You two are married!?" i pointed between the two, shocked as hell.

Zac nodded and smiled, " we are, we have rings but we don't wear them for obvious reasons." he answered me, wrapping an arm around Daya, who sighed happily and lined into him, smiling.

" your an Efron?" Zink asked Daya, who nodded, grinning.

" Im an Efron." Daya beamed.

" an Efron who owns half of everything i own." Zac added, chuckling.

Daya gasped and went wide eyed sitting up and stared at him, " I own half of everything you do!! i thought you said it was just the company!" she slapped his arm.

Zac laughed at her, and stopped her from slapping him, " you own half of all of my stuff, money, fortunes, company, everything and if and when i die, you will own everything, the documents have already been signed and been given to my lawyer." he grinned at her, as we gapped at him in shock.

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