" why do you go so carefree when your on your periods?" Zac asked her, sighing.

Daya scoffed and grinned, " Like you have a problem with it." she point out to him.

" what?" Zac asked her, confused.

" Bathtub..." Daya sung to him, smirking to herself, " or do you need a refresher i can read the first book to you agin if you like."

" Daya stop talking! is your family still in the room! i do not want to get killed by them!" Zac rushed out to her, panicked, before Hugh's voice was heard and he paused, " Ughh i have got go back to work..." he groaned out,

" Okay so next to the bed on your side is a present for you, my phones on loud if you need me, fridge and freezer is packed with orange juice and ice cream, and i love you, ill see you later, Zen." He quickly told her, making her smile, before hanging up, having to get back to work.

Daya giggled,rolling over to her side of the bed, and picked up a basket full of stuff, and grabbed a purple night gown off the floor, slipping it on, quickly, making sure we didn't see anything, running her fingers though her hair a bit, 

" Ohh chocolate strawberries!" she beamed and picked up a chocolate cover strawberry from the basket, eating it and turned to us, " so why did you lot come in here? " she asked use, smiling .

" what i can't hang out with my best friend?" Zink joked to her and sat down on the bed, next to her, " your cramps that bad?" she asked Daya, a worried look on her face.

Daya smiled at Zink and rested her head on her shoulder, as Zink hugged her, " Nah, normally just taking to Zac takes the pain away." she answered happily, " though don't get me wrong there definitely still there, but they somehow ease up, when Zac around or calls me."

" thats because you in love, baby girl." Claire beamed at her happy daughter, sitting on the bed as well, as we all did, smiling at Daya, and ignoring what she had said while on the phone with Zac.

Daya grinned and nodded, " Very much am." she replied, wining and sat up, looking though the basket before groaning and pulled out a credit card, " Zac is such an idiot, I'm not gonna use his card to buy stuff..." she shook her head and leaned back, placing it on his bed side table, before looking back at the basket.

" he leaves his card with you?" Annabella asked surprised, as we all where, Daya nodded, "Dang... not saying anything against you Daya, but thats trust right there..."

Daya laughed and nodded, " no i get it, leaving your card to someone, to just buy what they want is a huge thing and some times a risky one." she answered smiling happily, "But then again, our relation ship is based on trusting each other and are always open with each other, no matter what."

" can i ask you something?, other then this question." Austin asked, adding the last part because he knew Daya would do the whole, 'you just did' thing.

Daya grinned and nodded, " go ahead big bro." she told him.

" whats with your ring tone? " he asked her, looking confused, " what song even is that?"

" Oh.." Daya sat there, surprised by the question, before grabbing her phone, " its this song." she said and played it.

We all listened to they lyrics and looked at her, as she happily at her strawberries, " why that song though?" Katianna asked her, as the song ended.

Daya shrugged, " i have secrets and so does Zac, that no one knows." she answered us, as she grabbed the tv remote and turned on the tv, looking though the movies.

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