#Chapter 9: If I die young...

Start from the beginning

I looked at Tyler’s red face. What did he mean by everyone was gossiping about my fight with Blake? He bit his lower lip before shaking his head. Before he could respond, a thud was heard before his eyes instantly widened.

“Quick! Jen! You don’t want to get caught right?! Hurry he’s awake!” Tyler said with a hushed voice.

I put my shaking hand into his. He pulled me up, over the fence and I push myself before landing down colliding onto Tyler. He caught me, but due to my stuck foot, he fell together with me.

“Hey kids! What do you think you doing?!! Come back here now!” the guard hollered.

“Run!” Tyler said with a panicked look.

I pulled my foot out of the gaps between the gate before standing up. Tyler held onto my arm and pulled me along. I went hobbling after him. My foot aches as I forcefully pulled out from the gap. Seeing I struggled, he helped me. He placed his left arm around me and pulled me as we ran away from the guard.


I gasped out for air as we stopped somewhere away from the school. I’ve never run this far before without stopping. I sat on the stool, hunched forward, putting my hands on my knees. I breathe in and out as I look ahead. Tyler sat on the stool next to me and patted me on my back.

“A-a-are y-y-you okay?” Tyler gasped out.

I lifted my eyes towards him, noticing his red face. My eyes bulged out in shock before I stood up and held his shoulders.

“Yes, are YOU okay? Your face is red!” I asked worriedly.

Before I could register anything, Tyler burst out laughing. I stopped pacing back and forth and stared at him with my mouth wide agape. Tyler clutched his stomach, slapping his knees as he bends forward. I folded my arms and lifted my eyebrow. What the hell is his problem?

“Sorry Jen! It’s just that you look as if you had just ran a marathon and I can’t help myself from laughing.” Tyler said amusingly.

I shook my head wildly. This is just like the normal Tyler. And speaking of which, I remembered the conversation I had with Blake before.

“You listen here! If Tyler wasn’t the one suggesting the idea and wanted you to be safe, it been a long time since you dead!” he hissed.

My eyes glazed as I looked at Tyler. I looked away immediately when he spotted my face. Tyler stopped laughing and stood up and cupped my chin. He softly pulled my chin towards him causing my head to turn to him. I exhaled and gave a shaky smile. I looked up to the sky, hoping my tears won’t drop.

“What happened just now with Blake?” he asked softly

“We had a fight?” I questioned with an unsure smile.

“Duhh… Captain obvious! Can you at least elaborate?” he asked.

He put his hands away and folded his arm. The warmth disappeared and the cold gushed of wind replaced. I rolled my lower lips into my mouth, hiding the disappointment. I shrugged and look to the ground before responding.

“Well, it’s my fault… I guess I kind of insulted him and he got angry, obviously…”

I could feel guilt creeping out. He nodded and kicked the rocks near his foot. I sighed and breathe in before looking up to him. This is the question I’ve been dreading to say. Let’s hope for the best.

“Tyler, when Blake said about your gang idea thingy… why would you suggest the idea? I mean no offense, I’ve only met you once and then you want to save me…it’s not like I’m not thankful you want me safe. I’m more than thankful. It’s just-” I blubbered.

“Okay Jen!” Tyler interrupted.

“-I don’t understand why me in all? Why safe me? I’m just going to cause you guys to be in trouble! And plus, what if the rest of the gang hates me? And shit I’m going to die right?! No way! I’m only 17! I haven’t yet get married, no children and no husband! I cannot-” I continue my rattle.

Tyler shook his head before he held my shoulders firmly. He shook my shoulders and shouted my name. Full name.

“Jennifer Hudson!” he exclaimed.

I instantly kept quiet. I look at his amused face before lifting my eyebrow up, feeling confused.

“Wow what a speech! Can I talk my dear Jen?” he chuckled.

I felt my cheeks flared red. I made a gesture, with my fingers, zipping my mouth. I kept quiet as I waited for his explanation. I swear I saw his cheeks slightly tinged pink. Must be my imagination…

“Look as much as it is your fault, it is our fault too-”

I was about to interrupt him when he lifted his right hand to stop me. I sighed in defeat and nod my head for him to continue.

“Like I said earlier before I was rudely interrupted-” he said while lifting his eyebrow at me.

“It is our fault, wait more like our responsibility. As we could have just knocked you out and leave you there… but we choose not to. You are innocent in all this. Its better we took you with us than leaving you there with the other gang that will ended up killing you.” He breathed out.

“And you remind me so much of someone and I don’t want a repeat of the history again…” he trailed out.

His eyes glazed as if he’s remembering of an incident in the past. I waved my hands in front of his face to let  him out of his daze. He gripped my wrist tightly before pulling me down with him. His eyes filled with fury as he narrowed his eyes to a corner behind me. I wanted to take look at that direction, but Tyler tightened his grip and shook his head slowly.

“You crawl to that bench over there and never whatever happens, never lift your head up.” he whispered.

I stared confusedly at him for a moment. What the hell is happening?


My eyes widened as I heard the sound. It’s the sound of a gunshot. GUNSHOT! I shuddered in fear and clutched onto Tyler arms. Noticing my fear, Tyler gave me a hug before pushing me in the direction of the bench.

“Move!” he mouthed to me.

I shook my head wildly and didn’t remove my tightly gripped from his arms. I gripped his arms harder and look straight into his eyes. He winced before turning to face me. His eyes softened as he saw my shaking body.

“C’mon…Jen, nothing will happen to me. You move and hide while I call for help.” He said in a hushed voice.

I hesitated before crawling to the bench. I heard more gunshots, but continue moving forward. C’mon three more steps! I was on my way to the bench when suddenly I felt a piercing pain in my left calf. I continue crawling behind the bench before I collapsed onto the floor.

The pain in my left calf intensified. With shaky hands I pulled my left foot and straighten it.

“Shit!” I breathed out.

There was a patched of blood on my beige jeans. I rolled my jeans up and my breath immediately hitched. I was shot in my left calf. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead. I felt as if my leg was cut and sliced with knives. I clenched my hands as I tried to stay awake.

“Tyler! TYLER!” I shouted.

After a few times of shouting his name, I could feel my life being drained out of my body. I feel weak and it’s hard to control my breathing. With the last left energy, I pull down my jeans and pressed against my wound. I remembered in a movie that it would at least stop me from bleeding to death.

I hissed in pain. This is the worst pain I felt before. The force from my fingers slowly started decreasing.  My whole body felt numb. I could not stay awake any longer. My eyes were slowly closing. The last thing I saw was footsteps coming toward me before I felt my body being lifted up. I hope its Tyler.


Finally! Sorry for the late chapter! Enjoy reading and Please vote and comment! I put Tyler's Pov! hopefully you guys like it! okay then! Later! I wonder if she dies??


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