I sat behind the desk in the room writing in my diary. Something I haven't done in a while.

Dear Diary,

Please forgive me for not talking to you...in you (?)... in a while. I've been hanging out with Justin so much lately, I haven't had time to catch you up. I've kind of forgot what I needed to document, which beats the sole purpose of bringing a diary with me.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again. There is something about Justin that makes me want to never leave. As time passes, the more and more I realize that my time here is running out. I tend to forget when I'm around Justin which is a good and a bad thing.

I stop writing as I began to feel my hand cramp. I set down the pen before opening and closing my hand repeatedly. There was a soft knock on the door followed by Clara's voice. "Baby," I hear her say softly behind my door.

"Come in," I tell her.

She has been doing this ever since she found out about Justin and me. I thought she'd hate me since she liked Justin in the past, but she has truly moved on. Not to mention her finding out about Justin and I has brought us closer together. It's weird, I know. I'm still trying to process it all.

She opens the door slowly, peeking her head in first. She walks into the room and goes straight to the bed.

I take in her appearance. Strands of her hair were tucked behind her ears, showing off small pearl earrings. Her light blue romper complimented her. Plus it made her look like a much more pleasant person which is always a plus for her.

"So," she ran her hands through her hair. "Tell me the details. You seemed rather chipper when you got home."

"Clara, what part of keeping us a secret don't you understand? I can't tell you everything Justin and I do."

"Not even a little bit?" she pouted. "It's been boring around here." She flips her hair back. "Stefan doesn't come until tonight, so I have nothing better to do until then."

"Is that why you came to me?"

"Well yeah," she says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Unless you have plans with Justin. That wouldn't be much of a shocker," she rolls her eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Everything is starting to make sense. Every time you say you're going to 'explore the city,' that means you were with Justin. Am I right?"


"Exactly. And do you know how many times you have said that you were going out to 'explore the city'?"

Where was she going with this?

"No," I reply quietly looking down at my hands. I feel like a child being scolded at for eating candy before dinner without permission.

"A lot. That's all you've been doing. Have you even explored the city? I mean think about it, your sole plan of this trip was to explore Monte Carlo. All you've been exploring is Justin's pants."

I practically choked on air by the time she finished her sentence. "N-No, no. Justin and I haven't. No, no," I shake my head.

Her eyes instantly widened as her jaw lowered. "You mean to tell me that you've been seeing the playboy prince for a little bit less than a month and you haven't slept with him?" her eyebrows snapped together.

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's Justin for Christ's sake!" she raises her voice.

"Why are you so loud?" I hiss. "Someone will hear you."

The Prince • JBحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن