Chapter 32

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"Anna? What's wrong? I'm coming."

I realise the scream came from my own mouth,I don't know why I screamed so loud. I drop my phone to the floor.
I can't talk to Andre right now.

"Wha...wha...what are you doing here?"

She smiles at me,darkly.

Lumière is usually friendly but she's too quiet.

"What are you doing with my baby?"

"I've always loved him,but you couldn't let him go. I would've loved him better. You were just too selfish to let him go weren't you Anna?"

She is speaking,I can hear her, but I don't care. I just need her to let go of my baby.
Tears start rolling my cheeks.
Not Lumière. Please God No.

"It's always about Anna, Anna this Anna that,even after he slept with me,made me pregnant, it was always Anna this fucking Anna that."

She is getting angrier. She looks down at my Lulu. Please. God. No. Please. Not. Lumière.

"I gave him so much love,but no,he just couldn't get over fucking precious Anna. Her black silk dress, her long black hair. Her caramel skin. Fucking Annaiese."

I don't understand at all. I want to ask what she's talking about.

"Stacy,please, leave Lulu out of this."

"Leave her out? No,I killed my both my babies trying to get attention from Zach,but he was never really interested. He told me it was..."

She's crying now and she hiccups.

"He said it was lust."

I can't believe what I'm hearing,she killed her babies for a man. A man who didn't love her.

"I suffered, while everyone fussed over precious fucking Anna!"

A normal baby would be crying, but I know Lumière is not a normal baby. She's way too advanced. She looks at Stacy with an annoyed and confused look.

"I could kill you right now,I killed the only man I'd ever loved,it wouldn't even make me flinch,but no,I want you to suffer."

"It's not very nice to make other people sad just because you're sad."
Lumière is brave,I can't talk right now.

"Well my little Lulu, the world isn't very nice."

"That's only because Karma makes the world's of nasty people very sad."

I don't know where she heard about Karma from. Andre walks in behind me.

"What are you doing here Stacy?"

He is braver than I am and walks directly towards her.

"Don't come near me or I will kill this baby!"

"You wouldn't dare."

Andre scowls. He grabs Lumière from Stacy and she stumbles backwards. She laughs darkly.

"Go to your mama." Andre says to Lumière.

She walk towards me and holds out her hand two white pills are in her hand.
"Look mama, the bad lady tried to feed me bad things."

I grab my baby and run to the bathroom.
I open it and... Oh. My. God


"This woman is crazy, babe,she tried to feed my baby ecstasy! She killed Zach,and she would've killed you too!"

Andre pulls me closer to him,my ongoing rants are really frustrating him,I can always tell because he's sighing a lot and his answers are halfhearted. This is him trying to pacify my crazy ass.

"Andre,don't fucking hug me,she tied my friend up and left her in our bath tub with the water running!"

"I wasn't gonna hug you babe."

Before I get a chance to say anything he pulls me towards him. My husband is sexy damn. No. I need to...
His lips,say something to mine. Mine respond without my knowledge.

"I love you. Please just calm the fuck down."

He breathes against my mouth.
All thoughts of my back stabbing,psycho,twisted ex best friend are thrown out the window the moment this man puts his hand under my shirt.

I know, I sound sluttish. I am. I'm allowed to,he is my husband after all.
Our kiss gets a little bit heated.

We've been in this study for about 15 minutes while doctors examined Lumière.

He pushes me against the desk,the buttons of my blouse are already half undone. It drops to the floor around the same time as his. I find my skirt halfway up my thighs,his muscles...make a grown woman feel like a giddy teenager.

Before I get a chance to breath,my panties are on the floor. He scoops me up and slides right inside,with a little difficulty though. (Nigga is packing if you know what I mean.)

Right now nothing else matters,nothing except the pure joy that this man is giving to me right now,I think I've already come twice in the past 15 minutes.
My whole body vibrates and we both come. His liquid squirts inside me and I swear I feel it shooting all the way to my Fallopian Tube.

"I'm sorry I got carried away."
He says while buttoning my blouse.
We're both fully dressed now. Andre is the only  man on this earth that I know of who will undress you before sex and help you get dressed afterwards.

He knows what his woman wants.
Good sex,no stress,and a funny man with a fat wallet who let's you  play independent career woman but still providing for you.
He kisses my forehead. I smile mischievously.

"I think you should get carried away more often."

He grabs my behind and I squeal like a school girl before he kisses me on my neck. I let out a soft moan and...shit.
The door flies open. It's the doctor.
I'm sure it smells like sex in here.
Hell we even look like sex.

"Dr Carter."
He flashes his biggest smile. Arrogant bitch.
"Mr and Mrs Anderson, Lumière is very healthy,I have prescribed an antibiotic just in case. I'll be back on Tuesday to check on her."

Shame he looks so embarrassed.
"Thank you for coming doctor."
My idiot husband replies.

"Lumière is with her grandfathers,if you don't mind I'll be taking my leave."

"Of course,thanks again."

Dr Carter nods at me and I smile in response. As soon as he leaves,Andre follows him. I fix my hair and skirt and follow him.

I barely walk out the door and Andre appears, he pushes me against the wall.
After a long,mind blowing kiss he picks me up.

"You know I always  like to finish what I start."

He carries me up the stairs and to our bedroom. He drops me on the bed.
He unbuttons my blouse again...


The book is almost done,I am not sure at this point how many chapters there will be. But I hope you are enjoying it,if you've enjoyed my story enough to want a sequel,share this book with as many people as you can and don't forget to vote. If I get enough votes I'll get started with the sequel.

Thank you to all my readers for the support.

Love & light ♥☀


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