Chapter 7

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I was woken up by Wild Thoughts blasting through the whole apartment. What was wrong with these girls it was Sunday, I needed my beauty sleep. I got up and showered before making my way to the kitchen to have an unhealthy breakfast. I grabbed my phone and walked out.

I opened the door and what I saw scared me. At first I thought I was delusional, like in movies when you start seeing the same person everywhere, only to realise it's not really them. Tyreece Peters in our living room, he and Caitlin were all over each other. I guess this is why Bev and Stacy wanted me to fall in love with someone else so quickly.

I walked over to the fridge and got some ice cream, chocolate sauce, syrup, and I scavenged the cupboards for anything sweet I could find. As soon as I was done with my masterpiece I sat down and began checking my messages.

"Hey Anne. " Caitlin sounded too cheery.
I looked up and forced a smile.
"Hey Kate" she hated when we called her that.
"I wanna introduce you to my boyfriend. Babe come say hi to my friend. "
I avoided looking at him, but I could feel him staring.
"Annaiese?" it sounded like a question. I thought I saw him pinch himself.
"Tyreece. " I nodded curtly.
"Oh you know each other?" it sounded like an accusation.
"Yes. Can I get back to my breakfast now?"
"Yeah of course, babe we should go to my room. " Caitlin dragged him away.

I couldn't help but notice the way Tyreece looked at me. The same way I looked at those Jimmy Choos that I wanted so badly but I couldn't afford them. The same way Stacy looked at my Christian Louboutins after I got the last pair when they were on sale. The same way he looked at me in the earlier days of our relationship. Like he wanted me, no, needed me.

My phone rang snapping me back to reality. It was Zach.
"Hey mama. "
"Hey Zach. "
"I love how you say my name when you're in a bad mood. "
"Well my mood isn't that bad anymore. "
"Ahh that's what I wanted to hear. Well you have yourself a good day. "
"Thanks Zach. "
"Anytime Miss Jackson"

Zach always managed to lift my spirits, he was a nice guy after all. I decided to check on Beverly and Stacy. I made my way to Beverly's. I knocked on the door.
"Ready or not I'm coming in. "
I walked in to find Stacy and Bev sitting on the bed with pained expressions on their faces.
"Why wasn't I invited to this party?"
"Have you seen them?"Bev blurted
"Yes I have. "I laughed. I was faking it but I couldn't admit to anyone that I was having second thoughts about ending my relationship with Tyreece.

They relaxed. "Well as long as you're cool with that. " Stacy said.
"Hey Anna by the way are you busy next Friday?"
"No. Why?"
"Well next week Diego wants me to come to his big brother's party, and he wants me to come with a friend. "

Diego Anderson was Beverly's boyfriend. They had been dating for 2 years. He was a medical student at our university. He had chocolate brown skin, and he was tall and lean. He kept his hair short and trimmed. He was good looking. Beverly described him as a tall glass of hot chocolate on a cold winters day.
He was friendly and Bev was in love.

"Well I don't have plans. Sure I'll come. "
The bedroom door burst open, Caitlin walked in. "Come where? Can I come?"
We all exchanged looks.
"Uhm no, it's okay, Anna already said she'll come. You can hang out with Stacy."
"Or you could hang out with your new boy toy. " Stacy interjected.
"Okay, well let me go, before Ty becomes too worried." Bev was trying hard not to gag.
"Yeah you better hurry before he thinks Anna is telling you about his... "
I gave Stacy a poisonous look that made her shut up.
"His?" Caitlin raised an eyebrow.
Beverly waved a hand "You don't want to know. Hurry along now."
She left quickly.

"You guys have no self control." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, you know you love us." Beverly had a stupid grin plastered on her face.
"Hey let's go out. " Stacy said excitedly.
"Where to?" I was eager to get out of this place.
"Wherever the wind takes us. "
"Well what are we waiting for? Go get dressed. " Beverly shooed us out of her room.

I decided to go casual. I wore my ripped Rag & Bone jeans, with my Versace vest and Giuseppe Zanotti sneakers. "I'm ready." I shouted. Just as I walked out my phone rang.

"Hey sis, how are you?"
"I'm good,never been better. "
It had been a while since I spoke to my brother and I was only realizing now how much I had missed him.
"That's great to hear. Listen I'm coming down there tomorrow. "
That was strange.
"Uhm aren't you in London?"
"Yes I was, but I'm in Durban right now with mom and dad. "
"Oh. "
I couldn't help but be worried.
"Is everything okay Nicholas?"
"Yes everything is good. Listen my plane lands in Cape Town at 16:00 tomorrow. I'll see you then. Love you gotta go. "
"Okay love you too."

"Let's go!" I shouted. Stacy and Beverly always took forever to get ready.
"Where are you off to?" For the first time I wished Caitlin was here. I couldn't talk to Tyreece.
"I'm not sure." I answered reluctantly.
"Do you hate me Annaiese?"
I looked at him, shocked.
"No. What makes you say that?"
"You don't even want to talk to me."

"I'm ready. We can leave" I said a silent prayer thanking God for Stacy.
"You look smashing Anna, where's Bev?"
"Right here."
We walked out and as soon as Tyreece was out of earshot I whispered.
"You guys were eavesdropping, weren't you. "
"Eavesdropping is a harsh word Anna, we were simply waiting for our cue. " Stacy said seriously.
I couldn't help but laugh. I knew we were going to have a great day. I said another silent prayer thanking God for giving me the best people on Earth as friends.

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