Chapter 16

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3rd of December. It's been 9 months, my dad finally got the chance to sit and talk to Andre and I during the spring break. He has come to terms with it, my mom has also met him but we strategically left out a few details like how I lived with him, and how we were engaged, she knew about the car though. You can't quite hide a car like you can a ring.

I was going home to Durban but Andre couldn't drive me to the airport so I took a cab. He walked me to the cab when it arrived.
"I'm gonna miss your cooking."
He held my waist pulled me closer and pierced my eyes in that unbearable way he always did. I laughed softly.
"I love you Anna"
"I love you too Andre."
The departure is always hard but it just made me look forward to when I saw him again.

I arrived at the airport 45 minutes later,I got out of the cab and saw a familiar person.
He turned around. He smiled. It was as perfect as I remembered it.
"Hey Anna."
He hugged me. Unlike Andre who did that thing that made my heart do a back flip and then melt. He hugged me, tight.
"How are you? Where's Andrea? What are you doing here?"
He let go of me and chuckled. Yes it's still my favourite sound in the world, right after the Hubby's voice of course.
"I'm okay, she's at my place and I'm here to fetch my sister."
"You look good, oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever."
Why was I so happy to see him. Well it is because he's one of the few people who always tell me the truth so I trust him. For me that's a big thing. Yes I confess I have major trust issues, but hey.

"Thank you, you look good too. How is Andre?"
"He's good."
"Look I have to go, I'll see you around."
"Yeah okay bye, don't be a stranger hey."
"Only of you promise not to."
"I'll try my best."
He smiled and walked away, I also went about my business and dreaded the flight to Durban that always seemed too long.


I enjoyed my stay in Durban, I hadn't realised how much I missed being at home. I might consider moving back after I graduate. Andre was picking me up from the airport and I was anxious for the plane to land. I loved being at home with my family but I missed him so much that sometimes I cried. I almost jumped up with joy when the plane landed.

I saw him from afar just as handsome as I remembered him. I would have ran up to hug him bit I was carrying all this luggage.
He spotted me and walked over to me.
"Hey you."
My heart stopped and then started beating fast at the sound of his voice.
"Hey, how are you?"
He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead lightly, I liked the way he handled me, like I was precious glass and he had to take extra care not to break me.
"Much better now that you're in my arms."
"You are so cheesy."
"No, I'm in love."
We laughed and he took my suitcase and led me to his car.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he started the car.
"Yeah,I'm famished."
"Where to?"
"Cookies 'n Cream."
"Ice cream."
"I need it, I haven't had anything sweet since I landed in Durban."
"Whatever you want." He shrugged.

I loved Cookies 'n Cream, it felt like home. Zach spotted us as soon as we walked in.
"Zach, hi."
He came over and pulled me into a bear hug.
"When did you come back?"
"I just jumped off the plane, I'm famished."
"Lily." he called to one of the waitresses
"Can you get us a Miss Jackson special and what will the gentleman be having?"
He turned to Andre.
"Nothing for me."
"Okay, Lilly make that two, have a seat."

He led us to a red plush couch, which I threw myself on.
"Hey that wasn't cheap."
He smiled his perfect smile, and sat on the single couch opposite Andre and I.
"Where is Andrea?"
"She stayed at home. She's pregnant."
"Oh my goodness Zach." I squealed "How could you keep such a thing from me? How far along is she?"
He chuckled.
"5 months, and I didn't keep it from you, you don't hang out with me anymore. Anyway I better go, enjoy your ice cream."

He left as our ice creams arrived. I dug in and noticed Andre didn't touch his so I helped myself. He paid and we left.
He still opened doors for me this guy.
He was a bit quiet the whole time.
"Are you okay babe?"
He started the car and said nothing, after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence he spoke.
"I didn't like the way he hugged you, or looked at you."
He was jealous. It took so much strength to stop myself from smiling.
"Babe, but you know Zach is just a friend."
"Does he know that?
"Yes, he's the one that suggested it."

"You have a history?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I didn't like where this conversation was going.
"Does it matter, we weren't even dating."
"If he means nothing then stay away from him."
"No, I didn't say he means nothing I said he's just a friend."
"Well I don't like it Annaiese."
"Well you're gonna have to accept it."

I was beginning to get annoyed.
"No, I wont, you will accept that he is no longer a part of your life, no matter what he is to you."
I rolled my eyes, seriously guys and their egos.
"No, you don't tell me who I can or can't be friends with, you just have to trust me."
"I can't trust you, you couldn't even be honest with your own parents about us, how do I know whether what you're saying is true or not."
He didn't. He actually went there.
I looked out of the window the conversation was over.
Why were we even fighting over Zach.

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