Chapter 5

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Finally school was over.

I was ready to start a new chapter in my life. I was excited about varsity and everything it had to offer. (Hot guys I hope).

I felt liberated. I was in control of my life once more. I knew what I wanted. I knew how to get it. I was determined to get it.
And get it I did.

Varsity was fun, thanks to the fact that I went through it with Stacy and Bev. (And a bunch of really hot guys)
We made a new friend Caitlin Edwards.
She was pretty. She was also mysterious  we didn't trust her completely but she was lonely and we were kind.

All four of us shared an apartment, at first I thought it would be detrimental to our friendship but it brought us closer.
I loved every minute we spent together in it.


"We'll go to the mall later, I need some retail therapy. " Stacy was getting over her most recent ex-boyfriend, she tended to be bossy when she was heartbroken.
"Hmm, I can't make it. " She turned her head to look at me so fast I swear I heard snapping.
"Why Anna?"
"Well I'm kind of meeting Zach today. "
I hoped she wouldn't get angry.

"Oh... Oh"  a mischievous smile crept onto her lips. "Send my greetings will you"
Caitlin was looking at me skeptically
"You sure do meet him a lot for somebody who you claim you don't love. " she was completely clueless.
"Oh Caitlin" Beverly put her hand on her chest dramatically. "What Zach and Anna have between them is more powerful than true love. "

"What could possibly be more powerful than true love. "She was chewing furiously on a raw carrot.
Stacy laughed softly before answering "True lust "

Yes that was true. Zach and I were deep in pure lust. He wasn't the type to fall in love with. He was tall, muscular, caramel coloured skin. He had a tattoo on his forearm. His hair was curly and as black as my own. His eyes,  Oh his eyes, they were chocolate brown. Those eyes made me do things that I shouldn't.

There was a knock on the door.
"That's my date, goodbye babies mummy will return soon. "
Caitlin stared at me in horror.
"You're going dressed like that?".
"Well Caitlin, "Beverly explained "the more hideous her clothes the more eager he will be to take them off".

As I opened the door I was greeted by a tall piece of art. I couldn't get over how good looking Zach was. He smiled, he had the most perfect teeth and dimples, he had full, defined lips and my skin was itching to feel his kisses. He was so perfect, but I was glad I didn't have my heart caught up in it. That would've been a heartbreak waiting to happen.

The drive to his house wasn't a long one, it was also pleasant. Zach and I had a lot in common and we chatted animatedly all the way.
Zach had a typical bachelor style apartment, he always joked that he went to the extremes to ensure no woman ever got comfortable enough to stay more than one night.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he made his way to the kitchen.
"No." I threw myself on his couch.
"Hey careful, that wasn't cheap "
He smiled as he said it.
He sat down next to me.
"You know Annaiese, you're an intriguing girl, I really wanna get into your head. "
I smiled. "Well Zach, I can't let you in there but I can think of other places you can go into. "
He laughed out loud and pulled me closer to him. He brushed his lips slightly against my collar bone.
"Well I hope one day you change your mind Miss Jackson. ".

He kissed my neck and my arms found their way around his extremely chiseled torso, he continued leaving a light trail of kisses along my neck and chin, and finally to my lips. Our lips collided and moved together harmoniously.
He started undressing me, and then himself.
And for the first time ever Zach made love to me. Sure we had sex many times before but this time it felt different.
It was passionate.

He held me in his arms and I laid my head on his chest. No words were spoken. The silence was a comfortable one. I closed my eyes, this was the first time I felt so close to Zach (not physically of course ). For some reason, I didn't want this to end.
"Zach I think I'm hungry now. "
He laughed. I always liked it when he laughed. "Well you're in luck, I cooked. "
"Oh wow, you've never cooked for me before. "
"As I said, you're in luck. "

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