Chapter 13

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Despite Zach's words of warning I moved in with Andre. His apartment was the same size as ours but it felt bigger since there was only two of us living there.

"My parents are coming over for dinner."
Andre sounded so calm while I was freaking.
"When and why didn't you tell me?"
I tried to sound calm but failed miserably.
He hugged me from behind.
"Tonight and relax babe, just be you they'll love you."
Tonight. This guy was unbelievable. This was the first time I would be meeting the parents. 

I tried to calm down. I knew they would love my cooking so that was not one of my worries. I was worried that they would judge.
God knows I loved Andre, but it had been a little less than 4 months and the guy already had me rocking a diamond ring and cooking in his kitchen. It was a little fast.

They arrived after what seemed to be an eternity of knots in stomachs and mini nervous breakdowns. Mr Anderson was just an older version of Andre, Mrs Anderson was just 2 years older than Andre. Mr Anderson or Drew as he preferred to be called was friendly and charming. The tiny dragon at his side though was a different story. Her name was Anele, as soon as they walked in my gold digger-o-meter went to extreme numbers.

What else was young,beautiful, Xhosa girl Anele doing with old, RICH, coloured Grandpa Drew? I didn't have a problem because I had a feeling Drew knew she married him for money.
The problem was when she started accusing me of gold digging, not openly of course but she kept implying it.

"This food is good. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal that tasted so good." Anele gave Drew a dirty look after his comment.
"Well some of us are not desperately trying to secure our spot in the Anderson family."
This I ignored. I had a come back, but I held back, this was my future mother in law. An awkward silence followed,only the sound of cutlery banging against plates.

"What do you do for a living?" Anele had such an attitude, I swear if it wasn't for my future husband's sake I would have slapped her across the face.
"I'm currently studying."
She pouted, I didn't understand what facial expression she was trying to achieve so I didn't bother figuring it out.

"What are you studying?"
She was getting on my nerves. Why were the other two so quiet anyway.
"Forensic Science." I answered.
She opened her mouth and closed, I'm sure her next question was, what is that and how much do those people make.
I needed to roll my eyes so badly. It hurt that I couldnt.

There was a silence. I decided to start a new conversation. "Anele what do you do for a living." I saw Drew smile.
"Well." This was going to be interesting. "I'm a housewife now."
I nodded my head. "What about school?"
"What about school?"
"She means what did you study at school"
Drew explained.
If she didn't have dark skin, I swear it would have been white by now.
"Drew could you take me to the pharmacy?"
I smiled to myself.
I had won that battle. 


"Babe are you going anywhere today?"
It was Saturday morning and Andre was off to play basketball with his dad.
"Yeah, Beverly asked me to go house hunting with her."
"When will you be back?"
"Today."I wasn't focused on what he was saying I was busy reading my book.

I realised this when he banged the door and left,he didn't say goodbye. He never left without saying goodbye. I didn't think much of it and I continued reading my book. After an hour I decided to get ready.
I wore a yellow strapless maxi dress. I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror.
I had worn it when Zach and I first met.
Trying hard to keep thoughts of what Zach and I used to do together I did my hair and just as I was about to make something to eat, Stacy blasted her hooter.

"Hey, you look like Mrs Somebody."
Stacy always had to comment on clothes.
"Anderson." I corrected.
"How's mummy to be?" I asked jumping in.
"Never better. How is wifey to be?"
Beverly was glowing I had never seen her so happy. Stacy drove recklessly to all the houses we were seeing.
Diego met us there. They narrowed it down from 7 houses to 3.

Diego left us and we went out to have lunch.
"Look at us." I said. "We're all so grown up, Bev is pregnant and engaged, I'm engaged. Stacy is in love and about to move in with Marcus. Who would have thought?"
"Yeah we have grown up a lot since high school. I'm just glad we're all happy."
Beverly smiled.
"Um, Bev, Anna, I need to tell you something."
We both looked at Stacy, her tone was serious. She exhaled loudly.
"Well, Marcus and I... We're... I... "
"Is everything okay Stacy?" Beverly asked.
"Yes, it's just... "She looked up at us." I'm pregnant."

"Stacy!" I was overjoyed, two babies.
She smiled sheepishly.
We chattered excitedly about all the names we could name Stacy's child so that it matched all of Beverly's baby names. We stuffed our faces until we couldn't stand to see food.
We decided to buy baby things.
Since we didn't know any of the genders, we didn't buy clothes instead we bought everything associated with babies we could find.

By the time Stacy dropped me off. It was already getting dark. I thought Andre would be mad, and I sucked my breath before opening the door. He had cooked, I could smell the aromas coming from the kitchen. I walked in to find his dad, and the Xhosa gold digger. He acted cool but I couldn't tell whether he was doing it because of his dad and the bimbo.

They left a few hours later and I walked them to their car. I dreaded every step I took on my way back. Andre was on the couch. I sat in the couch but not quite next to him.
He looked at me and smiled.
"Come here." I relaxed as he pulled me closer. He put his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.
"I missed you." He whispered.
"I missed you too."
He kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed kisses all over mine. "I love you." He breathed into my neck.
"I love you too."
He laughed softly.
"I know"

Then he made love to me like never before. He treated every moment of it ad if it was the last. He explored every part of my body with his tongue. He devoured the forbidden fruit until I passed out and dreamt of the rest of my life making love to the man of my dreams.
I couldn't help but thank God for all the goodness and happiness that surrounded me. Especially the man that I loved.

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