Chapter 29

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- Andre's POV -

I've been in court all morning. I'm rushing to the hospital,I have some good news for Anna. I know she can't hear me but...

I rush in and find Zach and her doctor.
"Mr Anderson, I've been waiting for you."

"Yes doctor, is everything okay."

The doctor smiles at me.
"More than okay. I would like to speak to you in private,please."
Zach is reluctant to leave,but he takes the hint and walks out.

"Mr Anderson, your wife can hear us."
My heart beats a little faster when he calls her my wife.
"She can hear?"

"Well yes,her body is just too exhausted to open her eyes,or speak. She should be fine,we're giving her medication that will boost her immune system and make her strong enough to actually wake up."

"Wait,wait,so you're telling me she's no longer in a coma?"

"Well technically no she's not. Please excuse me,I need to finish my rounds."

I rush up to her side and hold her hand, tears rush down my face. She's awake.
"Oh Anna."
I whisper.
"You're coming back to me."

My heart...I can't even explain the joy,I know the doctors said she has a good chance but now I truly believe it.
Annaiese,she's finally going to be awake. Playing with Lumière, chatting excitedly about all the things Lumière could do now. She would be awake when Lumière turned two.

"Anna,just hang in there baby,Lumière has been asking for mama,she misses you. She can draw now baby, she drew you and me,with her in our arms. She can even write her name,she's a genius. She hasn't even turned two. I think she takes that from her father. Jason is in prison, the judge sentenced him today,he didn't even set a trial date,he's been sentenced to life. We can start over. We miss you Anna."

Zach walks in and I look up at him with a stupid grin on my face.
He looks puzzled.
"She can hear us."
I look back down at her peaceful face.
"I'm going to bring our baby here so you can hear her,Oh my God,my wife is coming back to us."

I walk out excitedly.
"Dad...yes...Anna can hear us,she needs to hear her baby...yes...I'll be there in 30 minutes."
This day keeps getting better,things are finally looking up.


- Annaiese -

I'm in the most frustrating situation,I can hear everyone, I can't reply.
The first time I could hear was when my brother and hus...Andre were here.
They cried,I wanted to cry but my tears were too tired to fall.

I heard Andre apologising for all the wrong he did to me over and over again,I wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him it was my fault.
He was so excited when the doctor told him I could hear them. I didn't know he loved me so much. How could I be so blind.

I could still feel Zach next to me,it touched me,so many people cared for me and I hadn't even realised.
My thoughts are interrupted by Zach singing softly.

Having Hallucinations
I'm losing sleep every night
Keep trying to cover my eyes
My eyes, yeah
Is it my imagination?
I think I'm losing my mind
Still see your face all the time
All the time
Tryna rewind 'til we're back where we started
Yeah that's all I want
Night after night after night I'm still haunted
I'm haunted, baby
I'm haunted by…
You, you, fall asleep and dream of
You, you, late at night I scream for
You, you, waiting on a deja-vu
But until then
I live with Hallucinations
They're just hallucinations
I'll just hallucinate
Cause you're not here
Losing my concentration
Hearing your voice in my head
Seeing you when you aren't there
You’re not there
And I can't keep living like this
Something's gotta give (give me you)
If I could make it all go away
Then I would
Tryna rewind 'til we're back where we started
Yeah that's all I want
Night after night after night I’m still haunted
I'm haunted baby
I'm haunted by
You, you, fall asleep and dream of
You, you, late at night I scream for
You, you, waiting on a deja-vu
But until then
I live with Hallucinations
Fall asleep and dream of you, you
They're just hallucinations
Late at night I scream for you, you
I'll just hallucinate
Waiting on a deja-vu
Cause you're not here

His voice cracks,I know that he's crying.
I scream inwardly,how could I be so stupid.
He loves me. Andre loves me.
Jason...he never did,yet he's the one I fell for so hard,I made a decision to leave a marriage of 7 years for a fling of 8 months.

The signs are always there,I always ignore them. That's why things break down. I ignore them. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and fix this.
I can't,but I sure as hell hope I get a chance to fix this when I wake up.

God I need to wake up. Please.

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