Chapter 2

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"I'm sick of him Bev "
Beverly Brown was my best friend. We were alike in so many ways she had the same big almond eyes as me, the same sense of humour, the same cuteness that made us look innocent, except she had a mass of curly brown hair.

"You've been saying that for the past 3 months Anna, maybe you should consider leaving him. "

"Arghh " I threw myself on her bed.
"I know I just feel like... I don't know, he can be sooo needy, one minute he can't breathe without me and the next he's just so distant. "

"You're stressing. Look just try not to think about him this weekend and focus on studying, I would like to graduate high school in the next 5 months with my best friend "

"You're right. " I stood up and opened her bedroom door. "I'll call you tonight. ".

"I'll be waiting "


I arrived home and did my usual routine of checking my messages secretly hoping Tyreece sent me a loving text followed by a hundred missed calls. Maybe I would fall right back into love with him.

Well I got a message from my mom.
My big brother. And Stacy.

Hey Anna. Just saw Tyreece making out with The Blonde Bimbo who just started school here. Are you guys officially not a couple??

So typical of Stacy to be so blunt.
I sighed. Mostly because I wondered why my heart wasn't shattered into a million pieces.

No. He's cheating on me.

I knew I couldn't confront him but I wanted him to know I knew anyway.

Hey. Just heard you're seeing Candice now.

The response I got was expected. He always found a way to make everything
my fault.

Well you are always busy with your friends, studying, or those stupid piano lessons. It's nice to have someone who listens to me and isn't always busy.

I didn't respond I was too tired.

I studied until the words were dancing in front of my eyes and I decided to call Beverly.

"Hey" I yawned.
"Someone is energetic. Stacy just called me is it true??"
Trust Beverly to get straight to the point.
"Yes it's true "
"And you are not completely heart broken?"
" No. Not at all, a little annoyed but not hurt. "
"You need to leave him. "
"Goodnight "I hung up before she could preach.

Ahh. A message from Tyreece. Again.

Look, I'm sorry babe, u just don't understand how much I love u and I can't live without u. I just want this to work but u r so distant. Please forgive me I didn't mean to kiss that girl. I love u Annaiese.

I knew I my reply wasn't sincere but I sent it anyway.

I'm sorry too I love you Tyreece.

Love & LustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora