Chapter 12

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The 3rd of June. It's been 3 months since Zach took me on our first "date."
He remembered. He called me and told me that he wants to celebrate because he is gonna marry me as soon as I graduate. I laughed but I knew he was serious. This is how I wanted to spend my forever with a man who makes me ridiculously happy.

He took me to the fair. I almost puked on the rollercoaster and he won a huge teddy bear for me. He was pretty good at shooting. He bought me candy floss and we acted like teenagers the whole day.
"I'm tired babe."
He was leaning against a pole, he was wearing khaki shorts, a white Tee and white Nike sneakers. He looked good if I do say myself.

"Okay, let's go to my place." I wrapped my hands around his neck and he held my waist. I looked up at him.
"Mhmm, let me think about that."
He kissed me.
"Yeah okay if you insist."
He smiled and held my hand as we walked to where he parked his car.
He opened the door for me and I got in.
As he walked around to his side his phone rang and he answered. 

My phone vibrated. Zach?

Did he hop out of a time machine from the 18th century?

I smiled to myself, I looked up and saw him leaning against the hood of his car, just like he did many times when he was waiting for me. I texted him back

Shut up Zach

He looked at his phone, and he smiled his perfect smile, even from where I was I could see his dimples. He seemed to become more handsome every time I saw him. He was about to text back when a short girl with short hair dyed a deep red came up to him and held his waist. Andrea.

Andre got in the car.
"Tonight... yeah... can't talk now I'll call later."
He hung up and started the car.
"Who was that?"
His eyes flicked to me and back to the road. He looked like he was debating whether he should answer my question or not.
"Someone from work." He mumbled.
I thought of Zach, I put my earphones on and listened to Can I Be Him.
Once again I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Zach Jacobs being in love.

"When the lights come on and I'm my own will you be there, to sing it again? Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories? Can I Be Him? I heard there was someone but I know he don't deserve you. If you were mine I'd never let anyone hurt you... "
The car stopped. Andre looked at me I took off my earphones.
"I didn't know you could sing."
"Was I singing loud?"
He laughed, got out and opened the door for me. He picked me up, I squealed.

"I love you, I love you, I love you."
He whispered while he carried me upstairs.
It was one the reasons I loved him. He always made me feel loved, just by doing small things. I snuggled up against him.
"I love you more."
He opened the door and headed straight to my bedroom. He put me on top of the bed and looked down at me.
"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

I laughed.
"Stop being corny and kiss me."
He lowered himself onto the bed and kissed me softly. He took of his Tee and my hands started exploring his body, going to places I had never seen. Our bodies melted into each other and Andre took me to places I cannot describe.

"Babe I've been thinking."
He said while running his hand through my hair.
I raised an eyebrow. Realizing he couldn't see my face I asked out loud.
"What about us."
"I want you to move in with me."
That was a bit fast, I mean don't get me wrong I was head over heels in love here but this was a big step.
"That's a big step."
He reached for something behind him, we were on the floor by the way. He gave me a small velvet box.

My head started spinning. I knew exactly what was in the box. I sat up. He looked at me. The box was in my hand and my hand was shaking. He took the box and opened it, inside lay the most beautiful diamond... earrings?
"Yes." he smiled as if he was such a genius. Of course marriage was a huge step, but I knew he was my future husband so if we did it now it wouldn't make any difference.
I felt anger boiling inside me, but I didn't want to show it.

"But the lady at the jewelry store said they go well with this."
"Let me guess a necklace."
"Well no." He took something out of his pocket. In his hands he held the most beautiful diamond ring. I was breathless.
"Annaiese, would you do me the honour of being Mrs Anderson."
He whispered.
"Yes" I breathed.
I laughed out loud and he slipped the ring onto my finger. "Yes!"
He kissed me and the butterflies in my stomach took flight.


"It's 8 carats." I told Zach while shoving my new engagement ring in his face.
"I could do better, and don't change the subject, you should think more thoroughly about moving in with him." He said seriously.
"When am I meeting Andrea?"
"When you get your head out of the gutter."

"You're just jealous Zach."
He chuckled. It was still my favourite sound in the world.
"Yes, yes I'm jealous, I just wish I was the one engaged to Mr Stuck up lawyer."
"Shut up Mr Stuck up Chef."
"Did you google me?"
"Yes, I did. You own the restaurant Andre likes."
"It was my dad's."
He smiled sadly. His dad had been shot when he was 14.
"I'm sure he's proud of you."
"Hey, hey, enough with all the sad stuff. Eat your chocolate cake so we can get out of here."

My phone rang.
"Hey Bev."
"It's Stacy."
"Why are you using Beverly's phone? Is everything okay?"
"Just get over here now."
She hung up.

I looked at Zach.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know, can you drive me home?"
"Yeah, sure."

I couldn't speak or think. I was so worried. I didn't even know what to think. Caitlin passed my mind many times and I was close to tears. Zach squeezed my hand.
"Hey, relax, it might not be as bad as you think."
I tried to relax but I couldn't.

As soon as Zach parked I jumped out and ran upstairs. I opened the door to find Bev and Stacy all in one piece. I relaxed a little.
"What happened?"
Beverly was crying. She looked over to something on the table. I went closer.
A pregnancy test. It was positive.
  "Bev that's great."
I rushed over and hugged her.
"I know I should be happy but I'm so scared, what if Diego doesn't want this child?"

"There's only one way to find out."
I grabbed Beverly's phone and called Diego. I put it on loudspeaker.
"Hey baby girl."
"H... H... Hey Diego."
"Hey, hey, what's wrong baby."
"Diego, I'm pregnant."
She held her breath.
"Hey, baby why are you crying, that's great news. I'll be over there now. I love you baby."
"I love you too."
She hung up.

"I'm gonna be a mom!"
We all laughed and started talking about all the things we would do for the baby, and we discussed baby names. I hadn't noticed that Zach was there the whole time. I looked up at him, I thought I saw him wipe a tear away. He was such a softie. He smiled at me and mouthed goodbye. He left.

I was happy for Bev, and now that she knew she had Diego's support she was over the moon. Marcus and Diego arrived, followed shortly by my future husband. I sat and soaked in all the happiness. The love that filled the room. What more could I wish for?

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