Chapter 1

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Tyreece  and I had been dating for a year and a half.  I had loved him for 3. He was always in love with Alice.  Everyone knew that they were madly in love. They were the ideal couple. But soon enough she got tired of him. Naturally I jumped at this opportunity.

I was the first at his side to comfort him. My feelings for him were completely obvious. When he told me he had feelings naturally I was completely over the moon. Most of the time I felt like I was in heaven. Other times I wondered if he really loved me or if he was just dating me out of pity.

Our relationship wasn't perfect but I felt like it was genuine. But 6 months ago things just started spiraling downwards. We fought over stupid things, and we made up, but each time we did I felt a little bit of my love for him being sucked out of my heart.

Everyone knew Tyreece Peters. He was a people's person, over friendly if you ask me.
He didn't play any sports, but he was a dancer, he was smart too. Most girls referred to him as a friend and he was cool with almost all the guys in school. He was popular.
He wasn't too good looking but he was likable. That's why I fell so hard.

Everybody also knew Annaiese Jackson. (Pronounced Annayeeeze teachers always got it wrong ). The quiet girl who acted crazy only when around her few friends. The nerdy type. Antisocial Extrovert. She was good looking. In that cute way that never gets old. She had caramel coloured skin with Jet black hair and big Almond eyes.
Who wouldn't fall in love with that?
She was also me.

Let's take it back to 3 months ago.

I had just got home from piano lessons and I started checking my phone for messages. Secretly hoping Tyreece would have sent one. When I didn't I asked myself for the millionth time this month why I stay with him.

I decide to call him.

"Hello" he sounds distant.
"Hey. "I decided to copy his tone of unexcitment
"Can I help you?" Ouch
"Just called to check up on you"
"Well then bye. "

God!! This guy could make me angry.
He sends me a text 5 minutes later.

Look babe I know you're pissed but I'm stressed out right now. Sorry about that conversation. I love u. XO

It felt insincere. I didn't forgive him.

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