Chapter 3

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"Arghh" Stacy rolled her eyes dramatically "This is getting boring Annaiese and you know it."

"Yeah, for once I agree with Stacy on this one. " Even Beverly wasn't going to be understanding.

"I know guys. It's just so hard, he's been nice these past few weeks and I don't know... Can we just forget about him. "

"Fine but after this you are going to face this." Beverly muttered and we all left.

It had been a while since I went out with my friends. As you might have guessed Tyreece was behind this, if he hadn't guilt tripped me into spending time with him, I was too upset after fighting with him to go out.

My relationship with Tyreece was detrimental to me and I was only realizing this now 1 year and 4 months later.

We decided to watch an action movie since we were avoiding the topic of love altogether.  Stacy chose it but she was bored out of her mind. Bev and I enjoyed it though, we were all close but Stacy was different from us. She was a bit... vain and straightforward to say the least but she always meant well.

We had pizza and went window shopping until all the stores had closed. We took a stroll in the park which was magical at night and we went to the beach and decided to swim fully clothed.
I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.

As Stacy drove us back home I realised that I could be perfectly happy without Tyreece. In fact without him I would be much happier.
My mind was made up I would dump him tonight.

"I'm gonna dump him. "
I blurted out.
Stacy being the dramatic person she was pulled over.
She turned in her seat to face me, eyes wide open.
"Are you joking? Please say you're not joking. "

"I'm not joking. It's pointless staying with him when we don't love each other"
Beverly closed her hands in mock prayer.
"Thank You God"
"She's finally come to her senses. "
I can't believe they were so excited about me dumping my boyfriend.
"Yes now shut up and drive. "
The ride back home was epic.
A perfect ending for a perfect night.


My parents were out of town. My big brother had one of his flings in his room, so I came and went as I pleased.

I went to my room to check my messages. Secretly hoping Tyreece hadn't
sent me a message so this could be a whole lot easier. He called me 3 times, and sent a text.

Hey I tried calling u, I guess u r busy. I love u. Take care of yourself and thanks for always loving me even when I act like a jerk. I'll call in the morning.

I won't lie it did not make me feel all fuzzy inside but it made me less determined to dump him. Stacy was right this is getting boring. I didn't respond. I had nothing to say.

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