Chapter 4

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After the text I couldn't bring myself to dump him. So I avoided him like the plague.

I asked Stacy to give me a ride to school.
"Hey!" She shouted as I walked out the front door. "Love love love the dress! Is it Prada?" I couldn't help but smile. It was the one thing the 3 of us had in common. Fashion. "No darling Oscar "
"Wilde??" She asked in mock confusion
I laughed "De la Renta of course"

It had been weeks since I started avoiding Tyreece but we still had brief conversations. I still couldn't tell him it was over. I couldn't wait for graduation next week so I wouldn't have to face him again.

"Hey Anna, we're meeting after school right. " Stacy asked while I got out of her car.
"Yeah, my place. "
"Will your hot brother be there?"
Stacy Reynolds was obsessed with my brother Nicholas.
"He's off limits Stacy!" I shouted as I walked away.
I saw Tyreece approach me. I turned around. "Hey Stacy bring Ice cream. cookies 'n cream!" I was walking backward to avoid The Plague
"Did you have to ask?" she replied

I would have to leave him sooner or later.


"Wait are you telling me that technically you are still dating him" Stacy was on the verge of a meltdown. I looked down. "Well yes but no. "
"No, no, no we are calling him right now" Beverly said as she dived for my phone.
"Bev, no you can't " I pleaded
"Stacy, tell her she can't "
"Nope I'm with Bev on this one. "

We were all in my bedroom with a huge tub of cookies 'n cream ice cream.
It was our favourite, although I didn't appreciate Bev getting ice cream on my crisp white Egyptian sheets.
I rolled my eyes."Okay, okay, don't call him I'll text him. "
"Good" She handed me my phone.

The text read :
Hey look I just can't do this. I don't love you anymore. Bye.

I didn't know what else to say. "It's done can we talk about something else. "
"Great " Stacy squealed "Did you see that awful sweater Melanie had today?"
"Euww, it was so completely awful" Bev gagged.
"It was the colour of my puke on the day I ate too many prawns " I added before we all burst into laughter.

My phone vibrated. I ignored it I was having fun with my friends tearing apart the horrid fashion choices of our schoolmates "Speaking of clothes, we should go to the mall to find new clothes for the farewell next week Friday. "
Of course that was all Stacy was concerned about.

"Let's go "Beverly squealed as they practically ran out of my room.
I smiled and checked my phone for messages. I had one from Tyreece.

Can we talk about it?Did I do something wrong?please I need u Anna.

"Anna come on!"
"Give me sec!"

Yes you did a lot wrong but that's not the point. I don't want to talk. Bye.
P. S lose my number.

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