"More than just a man." I say and stare at Slade. "He was stubborn, arrogant, but most of all, loving. He held this city on his shoulders everyday. His final wish was that he only had more time in the world for us." I say still remembering the night he died crystal clear. I can't let it go.

"When we were on the island, he never mentioned you

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"When we were on the island, he never mentioned you. But it must've been because the universe never brought you two together yet. But to see you now, here with his ring. He must've loved you a lot. He took his life to save you." He says and I feel selfish, I left Star City, I let this place get bad again. Ollie died to save me and the city, and I did nothing to pay him back for it.

"BREAKING NEWS, THE HALL OF JUSTICE IS ON FIRE. THERE IS NO KNOWN REASON AS TO WHY AND WE ARE GETTING NUMEROUS REPORTS THAT RA'S AL GHUL HAS BEEN FREED FROM THE PRISON. I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT BEFORE IN MY LIFE! COULD THIS BE A TERRORIST ATTACK?!" I hear the anchor woman speak loudly and I turn towards the TV to see the Hall Of Justice in debris and on fire. I clench my jaw nervous knowing something must've happened terribly. I feel a part of me die a little knowing some of my most loved items are in the building. Oliver's Green Arrow suit.

"I need to go." I say to Slade and walk out of the room fast and take out the teleporter from my pocket and press on the button as it automatically teleports me there. The teleporter teleports me into the middle of the building and a giant rock almost falls on me as I throw myself to the side dodging it. I need to get to my office and get the suit.

Hall Of Justice

I run to the office jumping through every fire there is and over debris until I get to my office to find it destroyed. I see all my posters burning in the fire and find Oliver's Green Arrow suit. I find it that it's still in the glass case and I create a small whistle using my canary cry and the glass shatters. I take the suit out of the mannequin and run out of the office knowing that's all I need from here. Nothing else here matters.

I quickly run out of the building and jump out from a window and land on the yard and stare at the building as it continues to collapse. Suddenly another explosion in the building goes off and the entire building collapses and turns into nothing but fire and rubble.

I clench my jaw knowing that something isn't right. This was an attack and I would do anything to help the League. I look around me and see other League members dragging each other out of the building as they rest on the ground and I see the ones that can fly, fly into the building to rescue the others and attempt to put out the fire.

 I look around me and see other League members dragging each other out of the building as they rest on the ground and I see the ones that can fly, fly into the building to rescue the others and attempt to put out the fire

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