
When I woke up I was snuggled into something so comfy, Oh! it must be my pillow. Such a nice pillow I have.

I cuddled more with the pillow when my head collided with a hard chest.

Why do my pillow have a hard chest?



I opened my eyes and a peacefully sleeping Eros came into my view, he looks so calm so innocent like he can never be someone related to Mr. Rude.

How can anyone look so beautiful in sleep, so calm so innocent and pure devil when awake.

His one arm was wrapped around me and another was on my waist. Our legs were tangled, I was hovering him.

I blushed at our intimate position, 

Everyone looks like a baby as I have read in books but here, he's having that stupid devil's smirk.

I took the opportunity and started noticing every little feature of his face when I heard an husky yet sexy voice.

"It is not good to ogle someone in the early morning dear wifey" he said by tightening his grip around me.


I tried to loosen his grip but everything went into vain.

He chuckled at my futile attempts to loosen his grip. I'm feeling embarrassed as I got caught red handed ogling him.

But it's not your fault, he didn't know that you haven't seen someone sexy like him in you whole life.

Why do you always have to insult me?

I didn't say anything wrong, it's hundred percent true.

"Good morning dear wifey" he said with a kiss on my lips.

"G-Good Morning" I stuttered, now why am I stuttering now?

I once again tried to get up but he pulled me back due to which I landed on his bare chest.

I flushed and hide my face in his chest.

He chuckled as his chest vibrated.

"Where are you going my dear wifey? Leaving your extra hot and sexy husband alone in the bed. That's not a good thing." he teased.

He really can't get enough of himself.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to the washroom " I told him.

"Okay wifey, I'm sparing you this time but don't think that every time you'll leave me like this." he once again pecked my lips.

I hurriedly got away from him and was about to fall on my face but he saved me.

Thanks to him, I don't wanna see you kissing the floor early morning.

I ran towards the washroom and locked the door behind me.

I can hear him laughing.

Oh God, where did I put myself into?

After taking a warm and nice bath I decided to leave the bathroom. And being stupid much I forgot to carry my clothes. I know, I know that am I stupid.

But I didn't say anything.

But you're about to.

I peeked through the door by slightly opening it and for my benefit Eros was nowhere to be found.

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